8 3

Einstein was not the first to equate forms of mass to energy, nor did he definitively prove the relationship.


The more I learn about Einstein, the more I realize he was not a genius, his E=mc2 was just a variation on earlier physicists work.
And his theories on time and gravity were wrong.
The Big Bang theory is based on Einsteins flawed theories.

Time is a constant, unaffected by gravity or speed.
There was no beginning of time, there is no end of space - the Universe did not have a beginning - it has always been here.

gater 7 June 19
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Well, let's see your paper proving all your claims, and disproving Mr. Einstein's.

Einstein thought gravity effects time - it doesn't. He thought if you travel at the speed of the light you don't age - lol this is retarded. The guy was more of a science fiction writer than a true scientist.


“If the red shifts are a Doppler shift . . . The observations as they stand lead to the anomaly of a closed universe, curiously small and dense, and, it may be added, suspiciously young.

“On the other hand, if red shifts are not Doppler effects, these anomalies disappear and the region observed appears as a small, homogeneous, but insignificant portion of a universe extended indefinitely in both space and time.“

— Edwin Hubble, 1937 Royal Astronomical Society Monthly Notices

yvilletom Level 8 Aug 18, 2019

The problem with this is "observations" - fuzzy images in a telescope is no match for Logic.

@gater: In what way is the logic related to observations? Logic related only to other logic is the BB game. Please do not filibuster.

@yvilletom Im saying that in the effort to understand the true nature of the Universe, trust Logic over distant observation. In 2021 a telescope will be launched 100 times more powerful than Hubble, maybe then some of your observations will be explained.

@gater You appear to be trying to take observation from the scientific method. If so, you will fail.

@yvilletom some distant observations are not scientific. Observations on earth, or in a lab are.


You can read any scientific paper you care to choose, and I bet it will be the same story. It will be based on the ideas of other people, sometimes dozens of other people. It will have imperfections or gaps and somebody else will have to come along later and tighten those (when the tools needed to do so improve) .

That's science. That's how it works. That's why it works.


My stepfather wrote about that stuff in one of his books... [] He says he found Albert's mistake and fixed it... I certainly couldn't even begin to understand the math in this, so I couldn't tell you if it's right or not.. I've actually spoken to other professors from his ECE department at the University where he taught that said the math is beyond their capabilities as well, so I don't feel too bad.. 😣😁

Einstein understood quantum physics - but he was clueless about time and space.

@gater It's all above my pay scale... 😁 I do have to say, time travel, stopping the aging process if you go fast enough, etc.. does seem a bit far fetched. We may never know for sure in our life time.

@Captain_Feelgood Actually understanding the Universe is simple - infinite time and space, with matter constantly interacting.

@gater Sounds good, boss.. 👍 way too deep for me. 😩🤔😄


Einstein, like Galileo and many others, was a legend in his time. Scientist build on others ideas and welcome viable proof of being wrong! Your twisted take on his life’s work is insulting and uninformed.

Just the facts Maam

@TheMiddleWay “Alternate facts”. 🙄


Arguing with @gater is like arguing with a fundamentalist evangelist. Not worth the effort; don't bother.

Coffeo Level 8 June 19, 2019

Or you don't have the mental capacity to understand what I said is true.

@TheMiddleWay Is not about faith - its about Logic - something you fail at.

@TheMiddleWay Ive explained it to you - you are just too stupid to accept Logic.

@TheMiddleWay Ive lost faith in your intelligence - you are a guy that knows little bits of information but you can't see the big picture. Maybe one day you will understand, but I doubt it.


@TheMiddleWay As I already stated - his quantum physics was fine - although he was not the 1st - his equation was just a variation on others earlier work.

His theories on Time are wrong - he clearly did not understand time - again, just like you.

@TheMiddleWay I don't think you're getting anywhere.

@TheMiddleWay I like your optimism. My patience would have given out long ago!


this guy keeps coming up with his own claptrap ideas, and has not a clue. it saddens me that so many of his statements are based on the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

magicwatch Level 7 June 19, 2019

You're an idiot - you speak without having a clue of what i'm talking about.

@gater every body is wrong except you

@magicwatch Again, you're an idiot.


"Time is a constant, unaffected by gravity or speed."

I agree with this - at least, it seems the most likely. We have equated the passage of time with the system we use to measure it. This is the flaw in thinking that corrupts how we approach any kind of math we use to equate/compare it to other phenomenon.

It might be the biggest reason we're having trouble marrying quantum physics/mechanics with the general theory of relativity.

This isn't just my opinion. Rovelli's work on the subject, while not completely convincing, is nonetheless compelling:


Shawno1972 Level 7 June 19, 2019

Interesting read - thanks for your input.

Time is the constant advancement of the Universe, its unaffected by gravity, speed, or any force. Time is independent from space -space/time is another flawed concept.

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