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What is your definition of The Universe? I grew up believing the Universe is infinite in time and space, No beginning of time, no end of space. To me this is basic and true.
I suppose some can't conceive of anything without a beginning.

gater 7 Mar 19
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Time has a definitive beginning called the Big Bang, Einstein showed us that Time and Space are entwined and therefore space also has a beginning. Before the bang there was no time so there is no way to perceive a "before" time and space, but my own understanding is that The Ancient Void Forms All. Before anything existed, nothing existed, and if nothing existed, then it must have been possible for nothing to be.If it is possible for nothing to be, then it must be possible for everything to be.

In different terms this means that the sum of the universe is zero, as long as both +infinity and -infinity are of the same magnitude then they too cancel out ultimately resulting in an infinitely finite universe.

Thats a popular theory - but the truth is The Universe is infinite and eternal. Space can not be created or destroyed, and it extends forever. The Big Bang just describes how everything we can see got there.


The evidence that the universe is not infinite is that the sky is dark at night. If the universe were infinite, stars would have already been born in every location, and you would see light from all directions. See Olbers' Paradox here: []

I've tried three times now to make that link work. Search for Olbers' Paradox on wikipedia. 😟

What people don't know is that Space expanded faster than the speed of light so we can only see ~14 billion light years into space. There could be a star at every point of the dark sky but they're 14.1 billion light years away, therefore we can't see their light yet.


If the Universe in infinite, where did the theory of the Big Bang come from??

LynnieC Level 3 Mar 22, 2018

I have always wondered what existed before the Big Bang.

LynnieC Level 3 Mar 22, 2018

I commented this here but it applies to yours; Before the bang there was no time so there is no way to perceive a "before" time, Hawking himself explains it as so and probably better than I can.


I can't conceive of anything without a beginning any better than I can conceive an infinity of time. My human brain just doesn't process time without end. When you think infinite all you can do is think of long, but I can't imagine endlessness, but my inability to do that doesn't stop me from understanding that it's possible.

paul1967 Level 8 Mar 20, 2018

Very good comment.


I agree with your begining staements

Marine Level 8 Mar 20, 2018

The universe, like everything else, does not care what anyone believes. There is evidence that the universe does not have a an infinite past. To say "to me this is basic and true .. I suppose some can't conceive" sounds exactly like how theists justify their beliefs: based on nothing at all but their own gut feeling.

It does not even make sense to ask about "my definition" of the universe. That is like asking me about "my definition" of water or the number 2.

josmi6699 Level 6 Mar 20, 2018

The Universe has no conscience. - Where is that evidence? Could you provide a link?

@gater The usual strategy of theists: make a wild claim that is so absurd that even thinking of it is a waste of time, a claim that has no usefulness whatsoever, explains nothing, predicts nothing and then when getting challenged, demand an ontological proof of non-existence. Are you able to grasp how monstrously absurd that is?
Now please give me evidence that there is no pink unicorn in the center of Uranus or could you at least provide a link? Because I grew up to believe there is one but small minded people just cannot conceive of anything like that.

@josmi6699 To say the Universe is infinite is not a wild claim - Einstein said the same thing. The universe has always been here and it extends forever. Simple, basic and true. No need for wild theories from "scientists" that have read too much science fiction.
You are right about one thing - small minded people cannot conceive of anything like that.


My definition of The Universe is -- everything there is. But what's in there is still being found out, and we may or may not ever be able to perceive it all with our limited senses and brains. I have no opinions (and certainly no beliefs!) on the concept of beginnings or ends of time and space.

chicagojcb Level 7 Mar 20, 2018

Believing something in science is inadvisable — one's beliefs are liable to be altered. I recommend not believing anything. To say of something that it is 'basic and true' sounds to me just the same as a statement of religious faith. Open minds are essential in science. Hawking's final paper offers some possibilities with regard to testing the idea of a multiverse. To me, the multiverse just seems wrong. But I do not hold any beliefs concerning the matter. I think we still have a great deal to learn.

Coffeo Level 8 Mar 19, 2018

Yeah, I believe it - and I have for over 40 years. To me its simple and basic. Although there is no way of knowing what is out there - im am sure space continues forever - the laws of science may never catch up to logic. Logically there is no way to contend that space ends at some point.

@gater Holding a belief for a long time doesn't make it true.

@Coffeo - Obvisously -Just like a timeline, there isn't a biggest or smallest number - time and space are the same.

@gater You keep making statements like this. They are statements of belief, which may or may not be true.

@gater over 40 years you resisted the opportunity to read up on the science and expand your knowledge? Scientists are far from knowing much about the details of the universe, but they have come a whole lot closer than somebody who "believes", I can assure you.

@josmi6699 1st you don't know me - or how much I have studied - to make that statement shows how you state things as true that you really know nothing about.


I suppose I could define God as the Universe - its eternal, it created life, - it fits. Maybe this is what some ancient writings said - but they were mistranslated.

gater Level 7 Mar 19, 2018

My definition of the universe is "TBD".

kensmile4u Level 8 Mar 19, 2018

The big bang theory put & end to the eternal universe. Stephen Hawkings was instrumental in upending the eternal theory. Who the hell knows?

Mooolah Level 8 Mar 19, 2018

Sorry, I don't think so - where do you get that idea?

@SACatWalker lol

Hawking. Only one (indeed).

Hawking theorized a finite and multiverse, Einstein said he thought the Universe was infinite but claimed he wasnt sure.

@gater Just watched 2 hours on the life & theories of Stephen Hawking. He was ridiculed for the Big Bang theory which then became accepted. Who the hell knows? Not me.

@Countrywoman Interesting - yes history is full of examples of men that offered new views that were right - but they were ridiculed - Copernicus was nearly put to death because he claimed the earth moved around the Sun.

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