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Why (Almost All) Cosmologists are Atheists
by Sean M. Carroll, California Institute of Technology

It has been argued on this site that the majority of scientists are atheists. As you move up through the educational ranks, the opposite is true.

This link explains why.

Stephanie99 8 Oct 5
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93% of surveyed top scientists are Atheists the remainder are like Sunday xians, they do Atheistic science Monday through Saturday

@GreenAtheist Do you have a reference for that?

@Stephanie99 I think the survey predates the internet and I have cited the figure for 5 decades Nobel Prize Winning Atheist Scientists Linus Pauling and Einstein were my earliest heroic Atheists on my Dial An Atheist 2 minute messages

@Stephanie99 Pew Research is doing many Atheist surveys the last 20 years

@GreenAtheist Someone on here has a weak reference saying that scientists are mainly religious so it would be nice to have the link for the source that refutes that.


Sean Carroll is one smart person, I have read many of his books and I stand in awe of his work.


For me the question is, "Is there free will?" If so, then there is no god, as if there were, then it could interfere with all that we do and we would all live in a mess we could neither understand or come to have any real knowledge of. Or god would have created the universe, and with it it's laws, matter and energy, and then stepped to exist outside it. Thus we could come to know and understand what is inside this universe for us and know what there is to know and understand within it. Thus it is much easier to believe that god does not exist as if he did he surely would want to fuck with it. But then there is the political situation we are now living within. So did we do this to ourselves or did god do it to us and we have no free will. There are many inconstancies within this argument,but if the main thesis stands then there is no god.


They all are, either openly or secretly.....

IamNobody Level 8 Oct 5, 2019

This is NOT a cut and dry assertion. Atheist have evolved in definition. The main thing is this. Scholars , professors, scientist and intellectuals see an amazingly complex system that better explains reality as we learn more about the physics behind it. Spiritual is a real thing, A thought about ALL. This is not atheist regarding the old definition. Atheist do NOT believe in a caretaker god. ONe who gives you the new toy after you pray. Their is no god directing the universe rather it is an energy that has conscious.

EMC2 Level 8 Oct 5, 2019

@EMC2 Are you saying that scholars, professors, scientists and intellectuals believe an energy that has conscious is directing the universe? Do you have some basis for that assertion? I am those things and have no knowledge of this belief.

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