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Although I wouldn’t say I was traumatized as a child, I did have recurring nightmares about Satan. Does anyone else recall something similar?

EyesThatSmile 8 Oct 8
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Religion was a daily nightmare my fundie parents sticking a soapy rag in my mouth every time I said gaaawdddt when I was 4&5 years parents were racists hated my African Black kindergarten teacher who I loved like my Jehovah Witness Aunt Mabel who I also loved and everybody made stupid jokes about her.... bigots drove me to Atheism for honesty science and peace from Onward xian Soldiers 1957


Quite the opposite... I rarely gave a thought to Satan, it was the Hebrew god of war that frightened the crap out of me.

jeshuey Level 8 Oct 9, 2020

I don't remember nightmares, but there were monsters under my bed. My stuffed animals bravely protected me from them.


I dreamed or thought I saw the boogie man when I spent the night with my grandmother. He was bald and crawling on top of one of those cars with the big round back. I remember being worried but not terrified.

Lorajay Level 9 Oct 9, 2020

Herbie The VW LOVEbug scared ya ?? Disney Atheist movies were healthy escapes from insulting hell threats and boring ass heaven bribes with angel harps on clouds ?????? Zippity Dooh Dah my oh my what a wonderful day


As a child, bad thoughts as to the death of my parents...


No I didn’t. I had nightmares about not that kind.

BudFrank Level 8 Oct 8, 2020

The Satan/Lucifer/Devil things were the biggest things that I let go of very quickly yet I still believed that a 'god' would cause eternality.

gsiamne Level 8 Oct 8, 2020

Not Satan, but vague shadows of unseen terrors. I suppose every child has something similar, thereby giving religion the perfect excuse to define these fears as an invention called "Satan".

Petter Level 9 Oct 8, 2020

It is unfortunate that Christians instill an image of a monster in a fiery environment that torcher you forever if you don't follow Christ.

Unity Level 8 Oct 8, 2020

Only after seeing the exorcist.

Mofo1953 Level 9 Oct 8, 2020

Oh man , I can’t believe u saying that ! From all people ! I am surprised ! That movie was hilarious !!! I watched w my dad and sister when I was around 10 I think , we laughed for months !

It scared my wife at the time to death! I could send her into full panic mode just by making the sounds in the movie for a tear.

@Pralina1 i saw it on the big screen in 1973 when it came out, at the time there was no CGI, special effects were in infancy, you seem younger by the likes of your pic, probably saw it at home, movie hasn't aged well, but at the time every time I heard some noise at night, it would give me the creeps. Jaws came out 2 years later and I wouldn't even want to go to the beach, now the shark looks so fake. Not the same to see on a small screen vs at the movies.

@Mofo1953 agree . I see your point too .

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