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Ok, is there a new war brewing somewhere that I've managed to not hear about? The last 2 days , airforce cargo planes from the nearby base have been doing VERY low level flying excercises ( as in going by so low, I can see the pilots waving out the window and don't hear the things until they are right overhead and freaking out the animals) . Every time they have started up these exercises in the past, they have been closely followed by a major military action.

wolf041 7 June 26
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the American airbase near me had no practising at all Thursday which is very unusual

It's funny how you start noticing their patterns after a while.

@wolf041 well its Lakenheath in the UK and you can't help but notice as its only 12 miles away from me. Thursday is there the main day of practice yet it was completely quiet and still is.

@LeighShelton I'm about 30 miles from the nearby base, but I'm not under any regular flight path. They only come over here when doing specific training. The mountainous terrain seems to suit them


scary thought


We have it too, I think they may be transporting for hospitals.

I doubt it's transport runs. I used to know a couple of airmen who worked in those things. That seriously low level stuff is training for getting through hostile areas. ( makes sense, the things are unarmed, it's hard for someone on the ground to shoot them down if they can't hear the things till they are already flying by. and radar is sketchy on things that low ) plus the airbase gets a lot of calls from pissed off farmers with spooked livestock when they do that.


I hope this time is an exception.

Lorajay Level 9 June 26, 2020

Don't tell anyone but an alien spacecraft has been spotted near the white house. I think his people are calling him home... Shh...


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