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I leased out my crop ground last year for crops this year and last. I gave the guy a low rate with the understanding he would use the difference to bring the micro-nutrients up in the soil. Last fall when I asked how harvest was it was good. This year, when I asked for the soil test from last year and this to see how the micro-nutrients had improved as well as harvest numbers; I got some numbers that I know are patently false, unless he is that piss poor at farming. Also he never came forth with the soil tests. He claimed to only get 20 bushels of beans and 50 corn to the acre. These days with crop rows tighter and modern fertilizers, he should have done far better than that. My Mennonite grandpa, farming with horses did better than that. I don't believe this man fertilized and I am pretty certain he did not replace the micro nutrients. Now here it is May 16th, and he has not even begun to work the ground for this year. I spotted his truck parked in the field, but I never spotted a tractor out theres. His wife did show up for a bit. I could have missed someone out there working but I heard nothing at all like a tractor running. With costs way up this year, he wanted to put down manure, and as long as it is properly applied I am fine with that. Next year the land is to go into hay for a few years and he wants to only put in partial acres to hay and the rest crops again at the discounted per acre rate from last year. I have news for him. I HAVE the cash to plant the entire farm to hay and it will all be going into hay as our contract calls for share cropping the hay for three years. I don't want to prolong things any longer. I have had three other farmers tell me he is taking advantage of me. I am sure he is. Land is expensive, and he wants to buy mine. What better way to drive the price way down than to paint it as unproductive.

misstuffy 7 May 17
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I would have no idea what you mean by "bringing up the micro-nutrients". Nitrogen, phosphate, potassium (potash), and sulfer are the major nutrients. Micronutrients that could be deficient include manganese, zinc, boron, etc. etc. But micronutrients are not normally a problem, unless they are deficient in the soil in that area. And micronutrients are not normally an expensive problem. For the major soil nutrients "building up" does not make sense for the more water soluable ones (nitrogen compounds for example). Anyway.... all of that to say... I can't imagine how you would have a case against him. As for what he did or didn't do... a soil test is not going to prove much, but that corn crop (depending on what kind of corn it is) does not look unhealthy, but without knowing when the photo was taken and what weather had been like, etc. it does not show anything.

Robeh Level 4 Nov 26, 2022

And yet he had a pretty nice crop. He wants to keep putting crops in, I dont. My whole agenda was to put in hay. I am not going to allow more corn and soybeans. I need hay to run my farm.


I know, thats why next, when he wants to still put crops in on part of the land, I am going to insist on 100% hay going in.

misstuffy Level 7 May 17, 2022

If he’s planning on sowing it to alfalfa that would build up the nitrogen fertilizer and you should have plenty of organic matter as well. Almost all crops do well behind alfalfa as long as you have plenty of moisture.

Trajan61 Level 8 May 17, 2022

The alfalfa or sweet clover won't go in until AFTER we are done with crops.
Green manure is good I agree. For now corn and soybeans and it is getting late enough he won't see a good harvest.


Yep... Gotta be careful with land renters like any one else.. I have about 60 acres of plantable land on my farm that I thought about leasing out, but haven't done yet for this reason. I wish you luck.

Thank you, nice to see another farmer on here. Farmers who are non believers are a bit rare!


It sounds like you may have grounds for a lawsuit. Hopefully you got that "understanding he would use the difference to bring the micro-nutrients up in the soil" in writing.... if's time to end his lease.

Robecology Level 9 May 17, 2022

That is the problem. I didnt get that part in writing so I cannot sue.

LEASING, an always tougher than it seems. Good luck.


Sounds like he is in breach of contract. Get the soil tested to prove it if you want to get out of the contract.

MizJ Level 8 May 17, 2022

I want him to honor the contract. I am already taking samples for the soil test, but he wrote it and left that part out of it. I have always worked on the basis that the people in my life were honorable. A hold out from my families Mennonite legacy, one the English don't seem to follow. I would have better luck with a Klingon there.

@misstuffy Protect yourself. You can't force people to do the right thing and the way you describe his actions I would be concerned. His intentions may have been good, the follow through may not be.

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