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Anyone interested in global politics? Russian, in particular?
History is always lovely to analyze, causation, consequences.

Skeptic66 7 July 17
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I am very interested in our current Russian rapport. My wife is Russian and lives in Russia,I have also visited many times. My opinions are not that of the mainstream.

Further Level 3 July 24, 2018

My wife stated" The US is becoming like Russia was and Russia is becoming like the US was"


How do you see the political shift the right that seems be spreading not only in Europe but world wide ? Is it related American and European foreign policy in the Middle east and Africa resulting in proxy wars and the rise of organised and tech savyy terrorist groups ?

Economics is critical here. A large number of people feel left behind from the 1990s' neo-liberalism. Combine that with typical victim blaming (read elites and ethnic minorities).

You are putting the cart before the horse...and i agree with skeptic66


Anything and anywhere. I study Eurasia but global works for me as well. I used to teach political science.

Skeptic66 Level 7 July 18, 2018

I do like to have these discussions. Where do you want to start?

Nukdookum Level 8 July 18, 2018

Any time works and about anything.

@Skeptic66 that's not helpful. So let's talk about the reasons why Russia feels the need to annex Crimea...

I was simply leaving it open for you.
There were numerous reasons: Putin needed a popularity boost. Many Russians had grown weary of his extended rule and economic problems plagued the country. Appealing to a Russian nationalism and showing strength also facilitated improved popularity.
The Russian Black Sea Fleet is now in a Russian-controlled area.
It shows that Russia is a player, just like Syria, in world affairs. It gives pause for others in what the Russians call "The Near Abroad" to act contrary to Moscow's requirements.

@Nukdookum Because Putin, and nationalism.

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