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Atheist radio shows -

It's a relatively recent phenomenon for me... I kind of enjoy some of them, though I don't know them super-well. I listen through "Tune In" channel that I see on Roku. I see them not as the be-all end-all must-listen, but sometimes if I am working or just kicking back and decide instead of music I want to give a try to some discussion, they seem ok.

Atheist Experience - but seems kind of relaxed/laid-back. Listening now.
The Thinking Atheist - Former Christian preacher - kind of interesting.
Sam Harris - I know, it's not an atheist show per se, but also kind of interesting.

If I'm in a car, I'm not really set up to listen to podcasts, so am at the mercy of whatever is over the airwaves and sometimes (not often, but once in awhile) I listen to Christian radio. This may sound a bit odd, but if I have a choice between listening to some angry political/entertainment whatever and people talking about what they see as basic moral issues, I guess I've come to accept the latter as being something that at times holds a little value for me (also, I was raised Jewish and while I'm not a believer or observant, and it was somewhat a struggle to distance myself from it, there's zero chance the Christian mythology will ever have any hold over me).

One other random water-cooler thought in this area:

A few years back someone set up a full-blown atheist channel on Roku but then for some reason kind of left it just not-updating. Why did they just blow this off? I say either keep it up or take it offline. There are a zillion theistic channels on Roku. It's just frustrating that once we finally did get an atheist channel, then someone decided to half walk away and leave it in purgatory. It seems, at the least, unprofessional. Couldn't they carry at least some of the regularly generated audio content and let it go at that?

kmaz 7 Aug 26
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I hadn't really noticed this before, but Atheist TV (where I first saw the Atheist Experience) in moving to Video-On-Demand and how this is consistent with what people were telling them, seems to have moved this to Kindle Fire. Did they actually get this done? Was this exclusive? I.e.: would I need to own Kindle Fire hardware just to watch this channel? It's nearly 3 years, but I am not sure where to go for more information.


Here's a link to the lineup as it appeared on Roku in 2014:


kmaz Level 7 Aug 28, 2018

Is the athiest experience the one set in texas? I think I watched a documentary about them

Yes, I think so. I think it's available both audio and video? I've only seen video once or twice. Austin Texas. I do think this show overall framework is interesting:

"...What is the Atheist Experience?
The Atheist Experience is a weekly Internet television show based in Austin, Texas geared at a non-atheist audience. Every week we field live calls from atheists and believers alike, and you never know what you're going to get! Sometimes it can get quite feisty indeed! You don't want to miss it...."

The few times I've listened, this has meant they are really challenging themselves to engage with Christians calling in with fairly well-considered studied questions. This doesn't always interest me, but perhaps because I am not very good at "debating", I enjoy hearing the work the hosts put into trying to consider the points raised to them and their knowledge of the Christian Bible and then some useful smart responses.


@kmaz the documentary is really good

@coralisthree Thanks, I hadn't heard of it, it appears to be called "Mission Control Texas", will try to check it out, though so far I don't see a streaming link, only a DVD link (from Germany?).


@kmaz I believe the documentary was called "athiest america"

@coralisthree Thanks, found that on about three channels on Roku, will rent it later from Amazon.

Going by the trailer and the name of the director, I think this is the same documentary I had linked (but couldn't find), but under a different name.


Gonna check this out

TheDoubter Level 9 Aug 27, 2018

Seth Andrews with the Thinking Atheist was the first atheist podcast in my experience. I met him a year ago July in Denver and have found this approach refreshing and very human. I love his early animated productions.

I like the idea that someone can follow their skillset and their dream and be good at preaching or interpreting from a Christian standpoint, and then, in a sense, leave the gun and take the canoli and continue to explore with their skillset, but through intellectual honesty correct to doing this from an atheist perspective.

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