5 4

Hopefully, this generates laughter, show how romantic nature is, and a different perspective. I like taking photos and writing a little bit of poetry.
Nature is to me as God is to believers, but it's not a God or a spirit, it's just very important.
Does nature come as a shock to you?
It cums all over me! In a manner of speaking, not literally.
Just thought I'd put that out there!

flower_nut 7 Oct 31
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<3 ... and this is what the moth looks like. []

Nunulady Level 5 Nov 5, 2018

Awesome and awestruck both hit me with this photo!
Check it out.

@flower_nut isn't it fantastic.....I'll post a picture of the moth......


There is so much beauty in nature. Like the poem also.
I'm going to try and put a picture on here of the most gorgeous caterpillar ever!!!!

Nunulady Level 5 Nov 4, 2018

Holy crap! How do you know it's a caterpillar and not a goddess? That's incredible. You're absolutely right!
Thank you for sharing a beautiful piece of nature.



Thanks for the comment.
Life started at 50 for me.
I've had my own revelation to a position I'm very happy with.
Must have been tough as a Christian and face your family and friends when you gave it up?
I have yet to discuss with my family members what I believe. I never could believe, but wanted an afterlife with a soul just like everybody else. The pie in the sky is a lie, it's not absolute, it makes me ask why?
It's liberating to finally reach a position I'm confident with. I also feel the humour in how ridiculous faith is and also feel the pain of misguided faith.

It was really tough but am happy now than ever, I was asking myself why all those miracles recorded in bible never happened in reality today.. I came to realized that its was all lies and propaganda to put fear in me..I started my research from there and now I have know better and my Brain is reactivated for me to begin thinking critically now.
Thanks so much

I know what you mean. Those “miracles” are the critical piece of revelation, but not mine. I can't see how people trust so much in the revelation of someone else.
If you trust in God there isn't much I can say to support my position with you. I don't know how my family and friends will react to me now that I'm a godless heathen. I'm realizing there are a lot of people who really don't care about God one way or the other.
Critical thinking is my focus to my own revelations to not accept revelation unless it's a first-person revelation. I haven't had one yet but I learned how to be critical with things that don't make sense.
Thank you for your feedback.

@ElikemSamuel I came to realize the same.
Use to cry,beg and plead to god to help me......
Nothing of course happened.
My way of thinking is.....the Bible was written because man could not face death. It was so abhorrent to them they had to create something people would believe.....



TheDoubter Level 9 Oct 31, 2018

Thanks Doubter!
I've forced myself to learn over the past few years and making mistakes are the best way to learn. I hated school and English is my worst subject. I can't spell and don't read books. The best wisdom I know came from Einstein, stay curious.


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