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I've been seeing posts about this sort of thing where atheists and agnostics lack a sense of local community and even go to Unitarian Churches just for a place to feel it. Having a sense of "nothing" cannot be a focal point for a social gathering so what do we actually have that is a focal point? I suppose we could have a joke and create a Pastafarian Church but that gets old pretty fast. So what have we got?

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onedayatatime 6 Nov 5
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People don't go to UU churches for a shared sense of "nothing." Most have a great sense of what they DO believe in that goes way beyond what they DON'T. They are typically very social justice focused, and people can be spiritual without believing in a magical god.

GinaKay Level 7 Nov 29, 2018

My focal point is building my own family... Plus I have a squad of gfs lol


I have a few "tribes" friends that give me a sense of community. I have my burner family. I have the BDSM community. I have a large group of gamer friends. Each of these communities give me a sense of belonging, someplace I can go and have discussions about our shared passions, and a subset of close friends who have my back in times of need.

As a matter of fact, this website has given me the first two components of community and in time I will develop close friendships where we have each other's back too.

Nukdookum Level 8 Nov 5, 2018

We have Meetups in central NY

ADKSparky Level 8 Nov 5, 2018

A community where you can be yourself is empowering. I just got here and so far I love what I see.
My focal point is different than someone else.
We evolved, developed consciousness and grew for years to this point. What do we do now?
Dream big, see if they'll come, and build it.


I would soon get fed up with the hierarchy and people worship.

brentan Level 8 Nov 5, 2018

I get my community through Meetup.


This cannot be discussed because it is none of the above. People choose their own reality but non theist choose a real reality, I am not seeking anything in life, I live and prepare knowing the truth about all I can think of. I am always learning why?
My sister in law yelled at me saying "you always have to be right" My reply is yes I strive for that, I would hate to hand my shingle on something that is false.

EMC2 Level 8 Nov 5, 2018
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