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Tide's calling is as deep as the ocean rising on the Bay of Fundy. I only used twenty feet to be certain. It can rise and fall much more than that. I enjoyed this cycle while growing up on the Bay of Fundy in Digby, Nova Scotia and learned to respect it.
People actually dispute this.
How would this be possible if your world is flat with no gravity?
I'm really just promoting the maritime provinces of eastern Canada.
Come and see it! It's wonderful here!

flower_nut 7 Nov 21
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I was there 60 yrs ago I remember the hotel we stayed at in Halifax had shared bath rooms . We went to see the tide come in but wasn't that impressive maybe wrong time of the month or winds kept it down . I really liked Peggies Cove I was only 8 yrs old . Now when I think about Nova Scotia It's the Trailer Park Boys LOL .

Besalbub Level 8 Nov 28, 2018

The impact is to see the tide low and then see when its high. A large volume of water has moved to display an ocean floor. In Digby, the bay empties completely every low tide. I could walk across the bay as a shortcut to and from school. It saved 15 minutes. Tides are hard to notice unless you look in the right place and watch over time. Standing at the water during the tide coming in it will take a few minutes to cover your feet completely.
Peggy's cove is very difficult to notice the tide, but it sure is pretty. It's changed since you were 8 with a few more paint jobs and many more people. More signs warning to stay off the black rocks close to the water. People still avoid the warning and are lost in a second. Never trust the beauty of the ocean if you respect your life.
Bubbles from the trailer park boys have a home on the lake down the hill from me. A great big place full of windows he's been renovating.

@flower_nut I gotta know does bubbles have a lot of cats ? I have a friend that looks like bubbles .


I was there as a kid with my family. Our destination was Nova Scotia.

ADKSparky Level 8 Nov 21, 2018

You got to see a little bit of Nova Scotia when you were little. Tourism is what Nova Scotia thrives on and we appreciate all who come to visit. Well, most of us do. The Annapolis Valley has a very welcoming atmosphere.
The tide coming and going is a sight to behold.

@flower_nut we got to Cape Breton Island and stayed in Ingonish.

I've been to Cape Breton and travelled the Cabot Trail. The best drive for sightseeing I've ever had.
The Keltic Lodge has a spectacular view. We stopped to enjoy it on our way to Cape Breton.


love the Bay and the Annapolis Valley - Blomidon, Wolfville, Scots Bay and Annapolis Royal are places I love

The Annapolis Valley is where I would love to retire. Great place to garden and the best scenery around.
I'm almost embarrassed to say I've never been to PEI. Small but not forgotten, I'll make it someday. Thanks.

@flower_nut not that far away but if I couldn't live on PEI, Ns would be my destination of choice

With the Confederation bridge connecting PEI, it makes it much easier to visit. I want to see the red landscape of the shores of PEI. I think of PEI as a special place being so secluded.

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