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I have mixed feelings about non-targeted altruistic giving (I'm not a fan of altruism) but there are times when I do like the idea of a well-managed non-believer organization getting out in front of some of the issues here and offering atheists an alternative for giving that does not involve a lot of nonsense about god.

So, at times when I want to donate non-specifically, or help with an immediate emergency, then this seems like a better-than-the-others option for some purposes. Disclaimer: have given tiny amounts to this one in past, but not for some time.


kmaz 7 Nov 28
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I like to call that being spontaneous. have a party when it feels right or go for a meal. eat roast chicken in the morning and breakfast at night. buy people things when it seams right and you see it. fuck xmas.

I do also enjoy occasional personal gift-giving where there is no particular holiday rationale. This is different for me than the occasional choice to engage in charitable or emergency-help community (whether nearby or global) type giving.


I prefer to do it on a personal level.

nvrnuff Level 8 Nov 28, 2018

We have been sending donations via Heifer for some years. It’s worth checking out.

Thanks for the idea, I have never heard of them. This appears to be the link:


@kmaz yup, we do our gifting in the names of those we care for. Quite a few family members have started to do the same.


Helping in any way is never a negative thing. Altruism is good for humanity and of course there is corruption along the way, but to stop is not the answer. Fight to make it better such as all the comments here regarding how to help. If something requires initiative from society, religion has little bearing on it. Such as the recent jewish killings, yes it is religion involved but the lives lost are the reason we help.

EMC2 Level 8 Nov 28, 2018

Is it an Ayn Rand way of thinking?

brentan Level 8 Nov 28, 2018

Not a fan of altruism? My glass is half empty, but your "not a fan" is pretty shitty.


I donate directly to local organizations in my area and also where I volunteer...

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