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Fear over drink licence for new vagina museum
Luke Powell • 4 hours ago

A museum dedicated to vaginas has been granted an alcohol licence despite residents' concerns it could attract rowdy stag and hen parties.
The Vagina Museum is due to open on November 16 at Camden Market in London, with the aim of spreading knowledge about "gynaecological anatomy and health".

It is the "world's first bricks and mortar museum dedicated to vaginas", according to its website.

While the museum received widespread support, its application for an alcohol licence sparked concern from local residents' groups.

Patricia Thomas, who wrote to Camden Council on behalf of a residents' association, said the group was "particularly alarmed" by the idea of hen and stag parties visiting the museum. She said: "Stag parties are not known for their respectfulness and hen parties can also be raucous and difficult to control."

Museum director Florence Schechter said she was "honoured" by the decision. She added: "At the hearing we heard and engaged with residents' concerns."


Tooreen 7 Oct 25
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Surely now men can know where the clitoris is. Apparently its a very complex structure, and is rarely shown in medical text books.

robinhood7 Level 2 Jan 17, 2020

WOW, this is wonderful! A museum to honor the very heart of man’s existence yadda yadda... So progressive and forward thinking! Now we’re really getting someplace....

“But oh nooooo people might drink the booooze and lose their cool and do bad things to the vagina sculptures!!!!! Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the vaginas!!!”

Ooooooh so close. Thought we advanced into the modern age. Oh well. Thanks for playing. NEXT!

ZenStar Level 5 Nov 13, 2019



Maybe the alcohol license is for selling and serving wine rather than hard liquor or beer.... I've been to art exhibits where wine was served


This sounds bizzare... and quite interesting! Can't wait to visit! 😄

MojoDave Level 9 Oct 25, 2019

Trump should be in there. hes a real cunt

That’s an insult to vagina’s perhaps at day at the museum will be your punishment! Lols.

@girlwithsmiles great point and there very useful

I thought that men were dicks.(!)


I don’t mind either way, Camden is already known as an area to go out in, what harm can a bit of vagina education do on a stag night? Lols.
I should think most people will remain unaware or unconcerned about the museum, but here’s hoping I’m wrong 😉


can't wait to visit the UK

TheDoubter Level 9 Oct 25, 2019
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