The Watering hole

This is a place to discuss everything, and nothing. As long as there is respect for others then no subject is taboo. But if one insults another they'll be warned. Threaten another and you'll be removed. There is enough anger and hatred out there. It shouldn't be here. Welcome and.. Read more

This is a place to discuss everything, and nothing. As long as there is respect for others then no subject is taboo. But if one insults another they'll be warned. Threaten another and you'll be removed. There is enough anger and hatred out there. It shouldn't be here. Welcome and.. Read more

Posts Tagged "children" By DaneintheUS (15) Posts by anyone

The Watering hole
Oct 1, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by Mitch07102
How many of you have driven by a Catholic church in the US (maybe they do this overseas as well?) and seen the display of white crosses meant to symbolize "dead babies" due to women being allowed to control their bodies. Is it just me who thinks of ...
The Watering hole
Jun 26, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by AnonySchmoose
If this substance becomes legal AGAIN, maybe fewer crazy people would use automatic weapons to shoot innocent people, or commit racial hatred against asylum seekers and their children.
The Watering hole
Jun 17, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by GeorgeRocheleau
Get down here!
The Watering hole
May 26, 2019May 2019

Posted by MojoDave
I'm full of wine... I mean jokes... I mean wine jokes tonight! 🍷🍷🍷
1 comment
The Watering hole
Mar 24, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by nogod
Do you know who we have to thank for the expiration dates on Milk bottles? Surprisingly enough, it was the Notorious American Gangster, Al Capone. After his niece had become extremely ill due to drinking bad milk, the powerful Chicago gangster ...
The Watering hole
Mar 20, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by nogod
l just watched a news conference in which 395 priests from lllinois have been publicly accused of 500 acts of sexual abuse against children, the Diocese in each part of the state will not comment. KILL THEM ALL I say.
The Watering hole
Sep 2, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by STLChris1963
Catholic Predator Priests have irked my conscience since the 1980s. At the time, I considered those revelations "the last nails in the coffin" with respect to my Catholic upbringing. Thirty years later, the saga continues, and the sexual predation ...
The Watering hole
May 16, 2018May 2018

Posted by DaneintheUS
What I was hoping would happen with this group was that it would be a place not specifically centered on any particular topic. This would allow for a flow of free discussion. I've set the chat room to be open continuously as we all have different ...

Photos 95 More

Posted by Ray13I just joined this group, thought it would be best one to post something like this: Thought this might interest some of my fellow agnostics - I just donated my 160th pint (total 20 gallons) of blood...

Posted by misstuffyI leased out my crop ground last year for crops this year and last.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by Reason-AbleI’m 54 and bored. I needed a project and decided to buy a truck and make it my project. I’ve been adding little mods to it every weekend. Any other vehicle enthusiasts in the group?

Posted by Observer-EffectInteresting.

Posted by Observer-EffectInteresting.

Posted by Observer-EffectInteresting.

Posted by WonderWartHog99After trimming up the crab apple tree, I loaded up the pick'em'up truck and headed for the landfill, Petunia riding shot gun.

Posted by WonderWartHog99Just hang this on the wall and you'll be safe.

Posted by flower_nutMy mother's best friend worked for the local newspaper and decided to dress me as a leprechaun and use it for Saint Patrick's Day. I was a smiling leprechaun, whatever that was?

  • Top tags#video #god #world #money #church #religious #Christian #religion #hell #reason #sex #friends #Bible #mother #children #believer #truth #Catholic #guns #community #prayer #kids #moral #cats #DonaldTrump #cancer #fear #nation #Atheist #Police #alcohol #earth #schools #atheism #hello #evil #agnostic #death #holiday #USA #Christians #beliefs #pray #student #movies #college #hope #Canada #dogs #bullshit ...

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