The Watering hole

This is a place to discuss everything, and nothing. As long as there is respect for others then no subject is taboo. But if one insults another they'll be warned. Threaten another and you'll be removed. There is enough anger and hatred out there. It shouldn't be here. Welcome and.. Read more

This is a place to discuss everything, and nothing. As long as there is respect for others then no subject is taboo. But if one insults another they'll be warned. Threaten another and you'll be removed. There is enough anger and hatred out there. It shouldn't be here. Welcome and.. Read more

Posts Tagged "god" By DaneintheUS (15) Posts by anyone

The Watering hole
Dec 29, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Captain_Feelgood
I like the original one myself. Which pledge do you pledge? On Dec. 28th in 1945, Congress officially sanctioned the Pledge of Allegiance, making it the official pledge for the U.S. flag. Although others had written similar salutes in the past, it ...
The Watering hole
Aug 3, 2020Aug 2020

Posted by WonderWartHog99
I visited one of those websites that had a bucket list of things to see/do before you die. When it hit me I'd seen most of those places, should I make the funeral plans NOW?
Shared from Academic (e.g., Science)
Apr 26, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by Observer-Effect
Interesting. Geiger counter measurements of the Koran and Bible are both right at background radiation levels, as expected. But move them close together, the counts skyrocket! CPM, Counts Per Minute are variable depending on what kind of meter you ...
The Watering hole
Apr 12, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by happychairVEI8
Tell me if I'm right,the christian god is a male sky warrior god-and a question,if ""god" is a god of mercy and love,why does he believe in human sacrifice,and like any primitive patriarcy,his "son" died horribly ,and was tortured and killed ...
The Watering hole
Nov 16, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by WonderWartHog99
One time in California I had a small group of followers who declared me their deity. One of the non-believers asked me to prove to him I could work miracles. "God," I explained haughty "does not work miracles on command." That explains why when ...
The Watering hole
Nov 16, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by WonderWartHog99
One time in California I had a small group of followers who declared me their deity. One of the non-believers asked me to prove to him I could work miracles. "God," I explained haughty "does not work miracles on command." That explains why when ...
The Watering hole
Sep 1, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by DaneintheUS
Thoughts and Prayers! Well, another day and yet another nut job with a gun. Steals a postal vehicle and goes on a shooting spree in Odessa Texas. 5 (last I knew) dead, and over 20 wounded. One of those being a 17 month old. So, when does the idea ...
The Watering hole
Aug 24, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by DonaldHRoberts
The number 363 is significant at this very moment. I might not be one second from now but the real question is can you figure out why this number is important, especially to this group.
The Watering hole
Mar 27, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by nogod
OK, l hope l'm in the right room for this little rampage l'm about to go on, but here goes. Yup, l live in a trailer park, go ahead with the trailer trash cracks, as l've heard them all. Anyway, my lot rent was 300 dollars a month, when l bought this...
The Watering hole
Nov 28, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by kmaz
I have mixed feelings about non-targeted altruistic giving (I'm not a fan of altruism) but there are times when I do like the idea of a well-managed non-believer organization getting out in front of some of the issues here and offering atheists an ...
The Watering hole
Nov 10, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by flower_nut
Full, half or empty? The glass has plenty as long as empty know plenty from empty to plenty. If your glass is empty there's plenty opportunity for more. If your glass is half full it's something to work for. If your glass is full it never was ...
The Watering hole
Oct 31, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by flower_nut
Hopefully, this generates laughter, show how romantic nature is, and a different perspective. I like taking photos and writing a little bit of poetry. Nature is to me as God is to believers, but it's not a God or a spirit, it's just very important. ...
The Watering hole
Oct 30, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by kmaz
According to the old Testament, did "God" order the death of thousands at Mt. Sinai for breaking the rules? If so, doesn't this mean Moses, held up as a hero of two faiths, was a really nasty piece of work?
The Watering hole
Oct 30, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by kmaz
According to the old Testament, did "God" order the death of thousands at Mt. Sinai for breaking the rules? If so, doesn't this mean Moses, held up as a hero of two faiths, was a really nasty piece of work?
The Watering hole
Oct 18, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by HardBlues69
No matter the weather. Who sleeps with the fan on every night? Here here!
The Watering hole
Oct 12, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by SaucyCheryl
God's twitter feed.
The Watering hole
Sep 22, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by zorialoki
Everyone is happy here
The Watering hole
Sep 17, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by sagan4tw
New here! I’m kind of a closeted atheist with some family and friends. Especially around older folks. They’re always saying “I’ll pray for you!” Or “God bless you!” And I hate to be rude, so I say thank you. Anyone else have this ...
The Watering hole
Sep 2, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by STLChris1963
Catholic Predator Priests have irked my conscience since the 1980s. At the time, I considered those revelations "the last nails in the coffin" with respect to my Catholic upbringing. Thirty years later, the saga continues, and the sexual predation ...
The Watering hole
Aug 23, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by educatedredneck
How many here know intelligent design and young earth creationism aren't the same thing? They're not mutually exclusive but ID is plausible, although it cannot be proven wrong so it's still a bad theory. Nope, I'm not an IDer. I am curious how ...
The Watering hole
Aug 1, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by mikecagain
I just booked a vacation for next year to Universal Studios. I was amused to see this in the fine print. "Universal Parks & Resorts Vacations shall not be responsible or liable in any way for any loss, injury (including personal injury), or any ...
The Watering hole
Jul 17, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Aristopus
President Trump is bringing the country toward dictatorship - even worse with VP Pence toward theocracy. Mark my words, if things keep going like this before you know it they'll be putting little plaques of the Ten Commandments in the courtrooms ...
The Watering hole
Jul 2, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by IAmLove
I wasn’t sure where to post this but since I am absolutely bursting with goes. I have found the most amazing tv series on Britbox. It might also be elsewhere, but so far I don’t know of anywhere else. The name of the series is ...
The Watering hole
Jun 27, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Aivery
The older I get, the harder it is to find and make friends. I've chatted with several dozens of people on various sites over the last 12 years since I left high school, but rarely do the conversations survive more than a few weeks or maybe months. ...
The Watering hole
Jun 21, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Aivery
One of my favorite quotes "I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible s, you will understand why I dismiss yours." -Stephen F Roberts ...

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Posted by Ray13I just joined this group, thought it would be best one to post something like this: Thought this might interest some of my fellow agnostics - I just donated my 160th pint (total 20 gallons) of blood...

Posted by misstuffyI leased out my crop ground last year for crops this year and last.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by Reason-AbleI’m 54 and bored. I needed a project and decided to buy a truck and make it my project. I’ve been adding little mods to it every weekend. Any other vehicle enthusiasts in the group?

Posted by Observer-EffectInteresting.

Posted by Observer-EffectInteresting.

Posted by Observer-EffectInteresting.

Posted by WonderWartHog99After trimming up the crab apple tree, I loaded up the pick'em'up truck and headed for the landfill, Petunia riding shot gun.

Posted by WonderWartHog99Just hang this on the wall and you'll be safe.

Posted by flower_nutMy mother's best friend worked for the local newspaper and decided to dress me as a leprechaun and use it for Saint Patrick's Day. I was a smiling leprechaun, whatever that was?

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