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Delores' New Outfit
By Len Hazell

Caroline, John go fetch Georg-gee.
Bunty and Ben you really must see

Icons of style like Clara Bow
Swanson and Bankhead and Del Rio

With envy would go brightest green
To look this good upon the screen.

Is she not just so belle and choice?
Isn't she just the Rolls and Royce?

They really have done such a fix
But then it is nineteen twenty-six.

The absolute end she is yet
Of fashion for the Bright Young Set

Her lips as crimson as her car
Really, you cannot see the scar

Her Bob hair lies flat as her bust
Hanging pearls, straight, to inflame lust

Those Diamante shoes so divine
Are at their best while in recline

Hair, clothes and makeup such a mix
But then it's nineteen twenty six

Now who's got Champers, raise a glass
To our friend so recently passed

For her crash at Banbury cross
Means heavens gain is London's loss

She who died as she chose to be
Wild, unfettered, loving and free

Oh darling she is quite the thing
Bells on her toes and finger rings

But no pennies for to cross the Styx
No, not in nineteen twenty six.

LenHazell53 9 Dec 23
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Posted by EntheogenFanI wrote this about a crazy girl who I loved like crazy. She made my entire life feel like insanity.

Posted by AllamandaNot in the current meaning of 'dog-whistle' but I think people will like this poem.

Posted by TO_BYEntangled Particles

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Posted by neutralite[] today... was a day. ✂️ Squeak in the music room on this site, that's what to do.

Posted by RemiforceDEATH IS SO FINAL--Youth La Boheme days in our small boyhood town, drinking cheap wine, smoking grass all night in some artist's studio, staggering forth into the bleary translucent twilight dawn.

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Posted by RemiforceMY AGE IS IMPATIENT.

Posted by BohoHeathenThis is just a poem of past experiences.

Posted by PetterAbstinence indeed!

Posted by AstralSmokeWanting Wanting to be broken utterly split apart with a mighty tearing like an apple broken to unfold the delicate open veined petal pattern inside the fruit .

Posted by MiizzunderstoodWE WILL BE HOME SOON MOM.

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Posted by Stargazer13I've heard the stories of your empty world Devoid of soft touches And the rare souls that cross lifetimes, to see again through eyes captured in silent and consummate knowing I've listened to ...

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