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Well I'm here. Not a poet but read some! Have mouth will comment, so no offence meant. All in good fun! ?

Theskeptic 7 June 10
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I write, but very seldom. I prefer to read other people's efforts.

tioteo Level 8 June 11, 2018

All poets need an audience to give meaning to their outpourings.

Petter Level 9 June 11, 2018

Rhyming slime is the best that I churn out.

FrayedBear Level 9 June 10, 2018

I'm not much of a poet either but I sure do enjoy reading what the others share

HeraTera Level 7 June 10, 2018

Paper is white feel free to write.

azzow2 Level 9 June 10, 2018

I love rhyming couplets

@pixiedust Almost as good as coupling with a rhymer. 😉
PS. I have written two full length pantomimes entirely in rhyming couplets.

@Petter Are they fit for children or just the au pair nannies?

@Petter LOL - almost.

What are the pantomimes about?

@FrayedBear They are aimed for adult audiences, but without anything unsuitable for children, mainly because it would go over their heads.
For instance, when a colonel asks about the meaning of LGBT and is told that it is to do with what people love, he replies.
"I knew a captain who loved his horse.
He got twenty years for that, of course. "

@pixiedust Pantomimes were originally satirical plays with political humour based around popular tales, such as Dick Whittington who became the Mayor of London. Or Puss in Boots, or Aladin and the genie of the lamp. In the UK they have degenerated into stupid farces put on in early January, and featuring so called celebrities. Mine were both written in the original mould with quite a bit of satire.

@Petter So, satire of contemporary culture? No specific story lines as backdrop?

@pixiedust The first used a mix of the children's tales Jack and the Beanstalk and Goldilocks and the 3 bears as the basis of the panto. The second is a completely original skit on British residents in a coastal town in Spain, with a witch, a wizard, pixies and the resident population, complete with a love interest story, an evil schemer, a transvestite, a village gossip, and a crusty, retired colonel. All in rhyming couplets, interspersed with songs to which I have rewritten the words. Took me 7 months to write it!!

@Petter Wow!

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