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The Dog’s Tongue

She’d licked a dripping eyelid –
her tongue pinked in and out,
tasting and re-tasting,
her expression, puzzled doubt.
I told her it was sadness
and wondered in my fog,
with such exquisite senses,
how do tears taste, to a dog?
Does the longing taste of midnight?
Does the loss taste old and stale?
Does despair taste bilious yellow?
Guilt metallic, like a nail?
Does helplessness taste flat, like filtered water?
In emptiness, hints of declining worth?
Do tears of fury have the tang of slaughter?
An evanescent fizz in tears of mirth?
In tears of love, the savour of a sunrise;
In tears of joy, the flavour of a birth.

© me

Faithless1 7 June 14
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These are the poet guideposts to service Cats and Dogs. our love bonds with our furry aides connect through nose, eyes, tongue, tail and sound. ...we need only preen, feed, water and walk our Service Animals to grass or litter for their caresses to be rewarded by ours


Caught my breath as I read this.

pixiedust Level 8 June 15, 2018

Nicely done!


Good muse.
(Such a pity reality would only give an identical chemical analysis in each case.)

Petter Level 9 June 15, 2018

Love the idea! Brought me smiles...

StJohn Level 6 June 14, 2018

Very nice! I didn't know you were a poet!


There was a radio show that would start off with a creeping door on the radio over 40 years ago this poem in a very good way reminded me of my youth spent listing to this show on my crystal radio.

azzow2 Level 9 June 14, 2018
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Posted by EntheogenFanI wrote this about a crazy girl who I loved like crazy. She made my entire life feel like insanity.

Posted by AllamandaNot in the current meaning of 'dog-whistle' but I think people will like this poem.

Posted by TO_BYEntangled Particles

Posted by TO_BYGraphis (Graphic Poem)

Posted by TO_BYGraphis (graphic poem)

Posted by neutralite[] today... was a day. ✂️ Squeak in the music room on this site, that's what to do.

Posted by RemiforceDEATH IS SO FINAL--Youth La Boheme days in our small boyhood town, drinking cheap wine, smoking grass all night in some artist's studio, staggering forth into the bleary translucent twilight dawn.

Posted by RemiforceWHEN MY BROTHER LEFT FOR NAM--We looked across the field of death & maiming, in our youthful half knowing, the war raging in the media suddenly close & personal,like a car crash We drank to ...

Posted by RemiforceMY AGE IS IMPATIENT.

Posted by BohoHeathenThis is just a poem of past experiences.

Posted by PetterAbstinence indeed!

Posted by AstralSmokeWanting Wanting to be broken utterly split apart with a mighty tearing like an apple broken to unfold the delicate open veined petal pattern inside the fruit .

Posted by MiizzunderstoodWE WILL BE HOME SOON MOM.

Posted by Stargazer13And this is what you mean to me… That I see beauty and feel lovely in a dark, broken and rusted world Because you love me, I’ve been brave And opened into full bloom beneath the gaze of ...

Posted by Stargazer13Dog days are over Picking every four leaf clover Gonna break out of every box they put me in This soul is hungry and divine sugar my sin Personal evolution Fated love the revolution Raw ...

Posted by Stargazer13I've heard the stories of your empty world Devoid of soft touches And the rare souls that cross lifetimes, to see again through eyes captured in silent and consummate knowing I've listened to ...

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