Poets' Corner

Write a poem! Please keep under 35 lines! Write about anything you wish! Please, easy on the profanity!

Write a poem! Please keep under 35 lines! Write about anything you wish! Please, easy on the profanity!

Posts Tagged "poets" By azzow2 (87) Posts by anyone

Poets' Corner
Oct 17, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by Organist1
I'm going to my first poetry reading tonight. It's not that I am a new poet, but that I have never read my poems in public before. I hope I don't get booed off the stage. :D
Poets' Corner
Apr 10, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by azzow2
This needs a title. This is my first poem to post to this group. I have written many poems. I had several published on if you had used this web site in the past you know it that the site vanished along with many poets works Destiny walks...
1 comment
Poets' Corner
Oct 24, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by Eldovis
From an old Italian saying " All my life I drank from my own cup all my life I ate from my own plate with so many liars...
1 comment
Poets' Corner
Aug 28, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by azzow2
This poet to me is one that stands out more than most others if he were alive today would be his to go website.
1 comment
Poets' Corner
Aug 26, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by rcandlish
Crackling change, enflamed in ever newly fashion leaves only ash to dry away the tears and change splitting still unfolds a breath of whispered, wasted dreams consumed within their passion ideas used and found useless, thrown down, discarded, ...
1 comment
Poets' Corner
Aug 21, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by azzow2
We as poets have added many words to the world's languages as the title of this poem may become just a dictionary entry. I know it is rather complex my brain is in a rather complexed state right now. Senslation: Antipathy of presumption in your ...
1 comment
Poets' Corner
Aug 9, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by azzow2
We often as poets get inspired when our emotions are tweaked. I called this one B & N needs a better title. Beneath the bridge, I crouch curse the rain. The rill is rising I will have to swim. The cascade is rushing near. Tuck my wings...
1 comment
Poets' Corner
Jul 15, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by egyptrican
Sugar, You Temptress Sugar you temptress, you hide everywhere In many a form, you never fair You sneak in my life like a thief in the night Stealing my health with every sweet bite Making me long for your taste every day From the moment I wake ...
1 comment
Poets' Corner
Jul 13, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Eldovis
From an old Italian saying... (Interpreted here in english) All my life, I drank from my own glass And I ate from my own plate, Despite the many liars, I remain sincere, Despite corruption and cruelty, I remain a poet.
Poets' Corner
Jul 6, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Paul_Clamberer
Failed Poet: I want to write poems but haven’t the wit to string words together so that they both patterns in time and what I’m king
Poets' Corner
Jun 12, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by KrisSmith1
Many say that doves will cry As if the sacred love will die Above the try Of poets hypnotized by jewels and dubs that's sized Fake handshakes will be what the random golden gloves disguise Versus "actions speak louder than words" how smiles and mugs ...
Poets' Corner
Jun 11, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by azzow2
Grimbol is a word that I invented as poets that is one of the rites of passage to make new words. So the title is Grimbol: Maniacal was the magic in the thimble of the nimble grimbol. Panic brewed in the picnic basket that contained the key that ...
Poets' Corner
Jun 10, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
Well I'm here. Not a poet but read some! Have mouth will comment, so no offence meant. All in good fun! ?
Poets' Corner
May 22, 2018May 2018

Posted by Tomfoolery33
Beard I am still swimming in dreamland. Over, under, down through this little wave and that, the clear and the murk, the dark and the light. Twenty years ago I had my powers (ha!) as I do again now. I have been my own Delilah, purposely shearing, ...
Poets' Corner
May 19, 2018May 2018

Posted by rcandlish
She is an occasional companion of mine -- a strange but welcome companion. If only I knew her name, I would call out to her and she might hear, and she might choose to visit me for an hour or two. That old name the ancients gave her is not her ...
Poets' Corner
Apr 28, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Tomfoolery33
Poets Boy I sure hate poets, Don’t never wanna be one. They got beady little squinty eyes, So shoot ‘em, if you see one. Poets, they talk all the time, Don’t never wanna listen; They don’t even try to rhyme— I think their brains is ...
1 comment

Photos 45 More

Posted by EntheogenFanI wrote this about a crazy girl who I loved like crazy. She made my entire life feel like insanity.

Posted by AllamandaNot in the current meaning of 'dog-whistle' but I think people will like this poem.

Posted by TO_BYEntangled Particles

Posted by TO_BYGraphis (Graphic Poem)

Posted by TO_BYGraphis (graphic poem)

Posted by neutralite[] today... was a day. ✂️ Squeak in the music room on this site, that's what to do.

Posted by RemiforceDEATH IS SO FINAL--Youth La Boheme days in our small boyhood town, drinking cheap wine, smoking grass all night in some artist's studio, staggering forth into the bleary translucent twilight dawn.

Posted by RemiforceWHEN MY BROTHER LEFT FOR NAM--We looked across the field of death & maiming, in our youthful half knowing, the war raging in the media suddenly close & personal,like a car crash We drank to ...

Posted by RemiforceMY AGE IS IMPATIENT.

Posted by BohoHeathenThis is just a poem of past experiences.

Posted by PetterAbstinence indeed!

Posted by AstralSmokeWanting Wanting to be broken utterly split apart with a mighty tearing like an apple broken to unfold the delicate open veined petal pattern inside the fruit .

Posted by MiizzunderstoodWE WILL BE HOME SOON MOM.

Posted by Stargazer13And this is what you mean to me… That I see beauty and feel lovely in a dark, broken and rusted world Because you love me, I’ve been brave And opened into full bloom beneath the gaze of ...

Posted by Stargazer13Dog days are over Picking every four leaf clover Gonna break out of every box they put me in This soul is hungry and divine sugar my sin Personal evolution Fated love the revolution Raw ...

Posted by Stargazer13I've heard the stories of your empty world Devoid of soft touches And the rare souls that cross lifetimes, to see again through eyes captured in silent and consummate knowing I've listened to ...

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