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Well the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Liverpool …the city was chosen on Friday after the shortlist of British cities had been whittled down to two…Liverpool v Glasgow…(Glasgow was the bookie’s favourite). The reason the U.K. is hosting next year is because Ukraine won the 2022 contest, but its deemed too risky, not to mention logistically impossible to currently plan hosting it in Kyiv due to the war with Russia. Liverpool will be hosting it on behalf of Ukraine as the U.K. was the runner-up this year. The U.K. has won the competition 5 times in the past, the first time in 1967 with Sandie Shaw’s - Puppet On A String and the last time in 1997 with Katrina & The Waves - Love Shine A Light. One of Glasgow’s main cheerleaders for their bid to host next year was Lulu…she herself won the competition for the U.K. in 1969 with this song….Boom- bang- a- bang!

..I’m including a more grown-up sophisticated Lulu singing it in twelve years later in 1981…
Marionville 10 Oct 9
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Love the second video!

Yes….she’d become a more accomplished performer by then!


How odd.....just saw Lulu last night on Heartbeat, which we watch every Saturday evening. Of course she sang To Sir, With Love.

Yes, waaaaay too risky to go to Ukraine.


Oh, long forgotten memories revived! But the song was unknown to me. Was she from Liverpool originally?

No she’s Scottish..from Glasgow. She was hoping Glasgow would get to host it next year.

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