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Now the sanctions against Israel spread to the Euroschism Song contest.

How wonderful, Someone offended by Israeli war crimes, genocide & atrocities has started on X, a movement to boycott the Eurovision Song contest and particularly the Israeli entry.


FrayedBear 9 Mar 13
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Why am I boycotting an Israel song or Eurovision?

DenoPenno Level 9 Mar 13, 2024

Because if you don't you are proving to the world that not only do you condone Israeli war crimes, genocide & abuses but are complicit in the acts.
As a former US ambassor recently commented "the Israelis & their wrongly named IDF have all the legality & attractivenes of the Klu Klux clan."

Do you disagree with his statement because 70+ years of semitic indoctrination have left you with the equivalent attitude of someone with their head stuck up their arse.

This is what you are supporting, funding & are complicit in.


This report was used at the 2024 Oscars by Brian Cox as a poem to perform. You can watch it with all the gory photos & video on your abc

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