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The song title translates to I Won't Give Up by Hungarian Alternative/Indie band Intim Torna Illegál (Intimate Gymnastics Is Illegal).

Reignmond 7 Mar 15
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Translation of the song.



For long, it was shit

But I've figured myself out and I learned to make mistakes

This way it's all different, it doesn't matter anymore

I won't give up, I won't

I won't stop until I die



This horde of rats has ruined me

There's no exception among you

I gave you everything but you kept womanizing

It's impossible for you to tie a knot on your dicks

I gave my trust too often

Still I was the loser

I've always been cheated on because

These guys aren't satisfied having 10 girls even

They would rather have a bitch bitch bitch bitch

I hope you'll find some brat with a temper

I don't let this to hurt me, to offend me

I need to stand up, I won't back down at all costs

I'll handle it alone



For long it was shit

But I figured myself out and I learned to make mistakes

This way it's all different, it doesn't matter anymore

I won't give up, I won't

I won't stop until I die



For long it was shit

But I figured myself out and I learned to make mistakes

This way it's all different, it doesn't matter anymore

I won't give up, I won't

I won't stop until I die



Words are lost in the air but screenshots stay

Just like the wounds, but I shouldn't open them

So I let you go, you're all sparrows1

I'm too strong to be destroyed by you, yep

I don't forget anything, I don't playact a role

Plenty of guys have screwed me over, I had enough of that

I don't need the love, I love myself

I'm looking to find my peace, this is what you have to face

With you, it's finally over

My peace of mind prevails

You thought that you've ruined me

But you can't, I'm doing fine without you



For long it was shit

But I figured myself out and I learned to make mistakes

This way it's all different, it doesn't matter anymore

I won't give up, I won't

I won't stop until I die (x2)


Reignmond Level 7 Mar 15, 2022

I somehow think I’d have enjoyed the song and video better if I hadn’t read the lyrics!

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