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Undoubtedly one of the giants of cinema music, Vangelis who died in 2022, left a great legacy of cinematic masterpieces for us and future generations to enjoy. Vangelis was the name he assumed for his music career as it was easier to say and remember than his full Greek birth name which runs to 31 letters!
I’ve chosen his main theme from Ridley Scott’s 1992 film “1492: Conquest of Paradise” starring Gerald Depardieu and Sigourney Weaver.

Marionville 10 Oct 29
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A little off topic but lot of guys have a thing about trains but I was always attracted to sailing ships. I started drawing them but it took some practice to draw the billowing sails. Years ago, I was with a friend in an antique shop and spotted a large picture of 2 sailing ships in a race and had to have it.

pedigojr Level 7 Oct 29, 2024

I suspect that this a horrible film , no doubt glorifying the conquest.’s just rather inaccurate, playing a bit fast and loose with the historical facts, and Depardieu’s portrayal of Genoese Columbus in a thick French accent is a bit off putting…but it's a good spectacle to watch with great cinematography and scenery…and of course it’s got a great musical score by Vangelis which is what this post is really about!

@Marionville I avoid all movies depicting violence and we know that Columbus was brutal and stoleand killed without any mercy. Even Spain was sick of him.

At least, during this time, some of us are able to separate the reality from the myth and still enjoy some romanticizing of the myth.

@pedigojr In the days of video renting, Jeannie and I did not take out any movies showing guns on the cover. Though I was in Glen Nevis for the filming of Braveheart and Rob Roy I never saw either film.


So majestic! It's a joy to listen to.

Lauren Level 8 Oct 29, 2024 is! I love most of his music…

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