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A seasonal post today with Antonio Vivaldi’s “Autumn” from his Four Seasons concerti. I’ve chosen this live performance of all three movements played on the violin by Frederieke Saeijs with the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra. Frederieke plays the “Ex-Reine Elisabeth” violin made by Petrus Guarneri in Venice in 1725…Vivaldi composed The Four Seasons in Venice two years earlier in 1723.

Marionville 10 Nov 12
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I wonder how much music can and does shape one persona. Any time I'm forced (I do speak up) to listen (in our gym) to high base and fast lyrics it does not bring a sense of calm or even motivate me in my workouts. I have discovered there are a lot of classical music that one could listen to (I do) when working out yet this idea seem anathema to most. I think in this day of madness in this country classical music is even more needed than ever.

pedigojr Level 7 Nov 12, 2024

Retired now, but for about ten years my dentist only had Classical music playing.
Pop and all commercial radio stations have done a disasterous job dumbing down music appreciation. I might have posted non classical music, but I only listen to classical. The CBC used to sell recordings under their SM series, which letters stood for Serious Music.
Agnostic has stopped me posting on my own so I hope some of you folk miss what I did post, though my pop got far more likes.

@rogerbenham Thank you, it seems I'm not alone. I once heard a story where a store had problems with gangs hanging out in front of the store. He got an idea and placed speakers in front of the store and played classical music. The gangs disappeared.

@pedigojr Yes, I heard something similar. People idling in his store.


So wonderful! I've wondered what Vivaldi could do with electronic instruments....thanks!

pamagain Level 8 Nov 12, 2024

Are you able to post? I'm not.

@rogerbenham I think I can post....let's see.

@pamagain Sometime my post goes through and sometimes not. I did find by making a simple item like the group and a few words it would go through. Then I added the full body in my comment to myself and it works, for now.

@pedigojr Well I do not see it. Marionville can post and we can comment.


Always fine to hear but Autumn finished some time ago here! Night time temperatures consistently below 0.

I post what is seasonal to where I live…it’s middle of autumn and extremely mild for the time of year…so it’s prolonging the season in the U.K. & Ireland..

@Marionville It's supposed to be a mild La Nina year which for us means cooler temps. and a little more rain. The temps. are normal between low 40's and low to mid 50's but we've had a lot more rain.

@pedigojr I see on my ponds that my water table has returned after two years but is still quite low,

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