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Does the weather influence your mood?

It's a beautiful day where I live today. Pale blue sky, nice breeze, and a welcome bit of warm weather.

silvereyes 8 Feb 15
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I don't know if sunny vs. cloudy is enough to change my mood a whole lot, but if I have to think about the weather (e.g., it's snowing, bitter cold, raining heavily) where it affects driving or my physical comfort in some specific way, then it brings my mood down, but maybe that's more because it's an inconvenience. I suspect that whether we're conscious of it or not, even if we like rainy days, we have a positive physiological response to sunlight which affects mood — but the effect might be subtle on any given day, though I think the cumulative effects are significant (e.g., "cabin fever" in the winter months when the sun might be hidden for days or even weeks at a time).

resserts Level 8 Feb 15, 2018

Definitely influences my mood. A huge factor also in why I moved to Florida. The sun shines way more often here than gloomy winter days in Buffalo NY. Beautiful warm breezes, bright days, even hot days, all make me feel centered.

MyLiege Level 7 Feb 15, 2018

@silvereyes I live right near the river, but still the breeze is glorious. There are, however, certain times of the year that the river is pungent, and in that case- yay for AC.

To be fair, almost anywhere is preferable to Buffalo. 😉 I consider Buffalo to be only marginally worse than Utica, NY, though. (Utica is… gray. That's the only description I have for it.)

@resserts I'd agree, Utica is gray.

I miss the Florida sunshine! Lived there for 19 years.


It can, and I definitely prefer sunny weather (it can be cool or even cold, as long as the sun's out), but a lot of my mood is determined by what I'm doing and who I'm with. So if I'm with the right person..... let it rain, let it rain, let it rain. 🙂

BeeHappy Level 9 Feb 15, 2018

I'm bothered more by stagnant weather. Weeks of hot weather in the summer with no break is depressing. I love watching storms roll in and I love rainy days. Probably because they're the exception rather than the rule around here.

@PhitDoctor50 but you get mad lightning there right? Love the lightning.


Definitely. The sunshine brightens my mood!!


I'm a storm chaser, so yes the weather influences my mood. I live for the high risk days in May

Dogpound9 Level 6 Feb 15, 2018

It sure does! Day like today, warm, sunny, pleasant breeze... Even found 4 golf balls when I walked the dog. (Bringing the 2018 count up to an even dozen so far.)


I think it's been shown conclusively that weather/sunshine amount affects mood & disposition. & the incidence of BBQ's!

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 15, 2018

Statistically people but more cake on rainy days. How do I know this? I've worked in the bread industry. So yeah, I think weather affects moods.

I'm afraid to ask what "but more cake" means...

@Hominid litterally the confectionary baked food, called cake.

Y'all are missing the context - quote: "Statistically people but more cake". WTF?

@Hominid auto correct, it should say buy.


Yes it does very much so.

SonderOpia Level 8 Feb 15, 2018

It's beautiful most days where I live and always warm compared to most of the country. Yes I do believe weather affects mood

steve148 Level 7 Feb 15, 2018

I hate the winter gray days. I am more of a 3 season person. I would love to move to somewhere warm and sunny.

JK666 Level 7 Feb 15, 2018

It does so on a daily basis..

Charlene Level 9 Feb 15, 2018

Absolutely! I love a nice cold, overcast or rainy day. Winter time temps!!! Summer.... it’s too hot and puts me in a bad mood. :/

Tho I live in Phoenix, & welcome rain at any time, as we get so little of it, & I am not a fan of many 120 degree+ days in a row, I still prefer warm (80's/90's) with sun & a bit of breeze. My arthritis & cold & damp don't get along much anymore.


Absolutely. I even get that "seasonal depression"; I feel my mood shift the first warm day of spring, sometimes so much so I can sometimes feel delirious.

bleurowz Level 8 Feb 16, 2018

Yes, big time. when its grey so am I.


Absolutely, especially at work.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 16, 2018

Definitely. Hot weather makes me depressed, cold weather makes me happy, wind is exciting, snow makes me feel content. My very favourite is snow on the ground on a freezing but sunny day. Rain makes me feel relaxed and I sleep best of all when it's raining heavily.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 15, 2018

Take d3 and liposomal vit c. It makes a world of difference. Make sure to get plenty of veggies in your diet too. Winter diets are usually awful.

Taijiguy Level 6 Feb 15, 2018

Yeah, I like the sunshine!

skado Level 9 Feb 15, 2018

Grey days that don't rain depress me, I like rain, I like sunshine, also I have damaged eyes, so the glare gives me migraines.

Rugglesby Level 8 Feb 15, 2018

I think the weather intensifies my existing mood.

Donna_I Level 8 Feb 15, 2018

It has a little effect. Our winters can be grey with light rain a lot. A little bit of sun is welcome. On sunny day, usually head out to the porch which faces south for a short time. Moved to Oregon from New Mexico. Quite a change. It bothered my wife a lot more. Would take a trip over the hill to central Oregon which has much more sun. We did get full spectrum light, and that seemed to help her.


I enjoy the sunshine a lot more than cloudy days. I get a real brain boost from sunshine.

tomhill Level 5 Feb 15, 2018

I agree. Love this weather for bicycling. Dislike cold and damp though.

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