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What do you find uplifting?

My mood can almost immediately be raised with a touch of humor-- especially my guilty pleasure.. funny animal video compilations.

silvereyes 8 Feb 18
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I find elevators uplifting, but sometimes they bring me down.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 18, 2018

Sounds kinda inconsistent. Perhaps you should find another.

Bahahahaha! Tru dat!

Your response leaves me absolutely floored. 😉


I'll second that. Another one is babies laughing uncontrollably. Gets me every time.

Hominid Level 7 Feb 18, 2018

This classic still gets me!

STOP!!! I have tears streaming down my face!!!!


A joke. At least one joke per day. It can be corny. That makes my day.

noworry28 Level 8 Feb 18, 2018

Or really a bad selection of fruit. @silvereyes


A beautiful day in nature, even a gentle rain can.
A purring cat on the lap.
A warm cup of coffee or tea.
Certain books by my fave authors.
Being on the water.
The sound of being under sail, esp after cutting off the motor.
My kids giggling together or separately.
The feel of sun on my face, my hair brushing bare shoulders.
The fragrance of baking bread, cookies, etc...
Coming home to the scent of roast in the oven.
A rousing humor game.
A really good session of YouTube sharing that leaves my sides sore from laughing.
A breeze through my hair.
Certain songs or types of music.
Certain fragrances (flowers, incense).
A warm bath and unlimited time in it.
Relaxing by a campfire.
Spending all day in bed with someone. (;
Time off!

Zster Level 8 Feb 18, 2018

If I'm in a bad mood, a little exercise can help. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be difficult to work up the motivation to go for a walk when I'm already feeling grumpy.

resserts Level 8 Feb 18, 2018

For me it is making someone else laugh. Hecklers depress me.

ChrisJones Level 6 Feb 18, 2018

Music, doing something physically goofy to amuse myself.


Laughter and music are huge. Lately when I remember to be present and in the moment I kind of get a rush. That quick realization of what your thinking, feeling, hearing, seeing in a way that's just pure observation, no judgment. It's...freeing. And bizarre.


If I stay away from my phone and computer, I feel soooo much better, but bored.

There’s always streaming video and radio.

@ChrisJones Thanks, but it’s the negativity and sedintary nature of electronic entertainment that causes me not to feel well. What I need is a hobby outside my home other than the gym, I can’t be there all day or I’d never recover.

Well believe it or not, I get it. The nature of the web makes it possible for people to communicate 24/7. The boundaries we have in real life virtually don’t exist online. Which promotes a lot of negativity as well as lack of personal interaction. In any case, there are plenty of alternatives. I’m sure you’ll find one that suits you. Good luck.

@ChrisJones I’m done with this site for a while, too much judging going on, not enough discussion. Thanks for being a diamond in the rough, but there is just so much coal around here I’ll catch black lung if I stick around.


Random acts of beauty and senseless acts of kindness. And Gifs with Sound videos.


Music, sunshine, nature, humor. Just to name a few

Livinlife Level 9 Feb 18, 2018


Gatovicolo Level 8 Feb 18, 2018

Pretty much anything relating to boobs.

Anonbene Level 8 Feb 18, 2018

A man of simple pleasures, eh?

@Zster I'm easy to please.


Writing is the other. Not so much the writing, but the response I get from those who read my stories. The more positive I see on the responses, the more encouragement I get to write my future stories.

ChrisJones Level 6 Feb 18, 2018

Circus music get me going. I am a circus fan.

Dwight Level 7 Feb 18, 2018

A good clown helps.

@ChrisJones love the clowns too. I have many friends who have worn the grease paint and oversize shoes.


Good music and time alone to myself.

Sarahroo29 Level 8 Feb 18, 2018

Being around animals, my grandchildren, listening to 60s pop music and the soundtrack to "Saturday Night Fever

JoeMastle Level 7 Feb 18, 2018

Pickin a little banjo. Making music with others. Seeing my great grand kid, a boy, and hearing his laugh. In season, vine ripe tomatoes. Hooking a steelhead. My wife's jokes leading to belly laughs.
Fresh brewed coffee in the morning. Sitting on the porch with the sun shining (lots of drizzle days here in the winter), A favorite CD playing when driving. Smell of baking bread.


Humor, especially if it is irreverent or involves puns.
Good music (my opinion o what is good varies wildly with my moods)
Watching other people having kind, pleasant interactions.
Having kind, pleasant interactions with other people.

Meep70 Level 7 Feb 19, 2018

When I help a person find beauty in reality and science over superstitious religion,
Making others happy
Cat videos,
Great books
Great music
Great movies


Yes, silly animals - I can laugh myself hysterical! also just sitting on my deck for a while; sure to have one or the other bird or bee or such visiting. singing in my choir is always uplifting too.


Chilling out on tumblr and listening to my music playlist on youtube with noise cancelling headphones. General internet stuff. Reading a fantasy or two for the spike of adrenaline.

DaniMa Level 5 Feb 18, 2018

I agree mostly


I cannot remain glum and listen to the Numa Numa song at the same time.

gmerck Level 2 Feb 18, 2018

Always good to know how to cheer you up!

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