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Maybe it is just me. But since the quarentin I have clearer skys to watch the universe

RaulPerez 7 Mar 28
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There have been a number of reports about this already, for example: []

SCJohn Level 4 Mar 29, 2020

It is clearer skies, there are several interactive maps here []

glennlab Level 10 Mar 29, 2020

Not me. It have been raining for a month it seems, lol.

Hathacat Level 9 Mar 29, 2020

It ain't just you..

Charlene Level 9 Mar 29, 2020

Here in north central Az. i noticed that the skies this week have been bluer than usual. hold your hand up and block the sun. There is very little haze around the Sun. 20,000,000 Californians not driving is the answer I think.

I think you may be on to something, an observation made of Wuhan and a topic which has been discussed here and there, between all the pandemic news. Here in the Bay Area, traffic is a fraction of what it was before the order to shelter in place, and the air quality has been pristine. Likewise in SoCal, I would imagine. But privately owned vehicular traffic is not the full story. Fewer trucks, busses, trains, planes, boats and factories belching out exhaust tends to add up pretty quickly. I would imagine there are many climate scientists gathering the data from what has been an unplanned experiment.

@p-nullifidian Yes, it's not just the cars, it's all the other pollution we spew into the atmosphere also.

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