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Trump used looted Venezuelan public money to build border wall with Mexico

An estimated $24 billion of Venezuelan public money has been looted, and the Trump administration has used at least $601 million of it to construct a militarized wall on the US-Mexico border.


US----United Stealer's. In our name we've become the home of common thieves.

William_Mary 8 July 4
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Bastards. No wonder the US & Britain are working so hard to topple the Venezualan Government in favour of their corrupt puppet. - They want to remove the witnesses to their crimes!

FrayedBear Level 9 July 4, 2020

Many of your posts seem anti American.. Why is that? Sure, America isn't perfect but what country is perfect?

My post are anti-imperialism. If you actually gave my post your full attention you'd find my post are also not about only the US, but the entire scope of the westernized alliance that has been dealing out deadly colonialism to support its failed system. I say US over America because the America's are merely lands that have became another colonized lands that became victimized by European colonization in 1492.

I support America by dissenting from the conditioned delusional reality of the fake history that has been forced upon us. Just as I support the troops in a different way against how they are used as pawns to fulfill the agendas of the ruling class who have created that false history. Our children should not be sent into wars based on lies to be murdered for the benefit of so few. Or over resources that belong to the lands we deceitfully invade using false narratives.

Who's looking for perfection? What if I told you that that sentiment is a construct of conditioning working on your emotions, rather than taking my opinions and what I post here as a source to find a sense of reasoning. I'll again argue that you fail to understand the narrative and agenda of my group. You always fail to grasp that my post are meant to create a means to discovery when you attack me rather than the information provided.

Again, did you even read the article to be able to relate it to the agenda of the group? Or did you simply use the one line to present your attack? Totally missing the suggestive reasoning for the line if you had read the article. The article represents a long history of US and the westernized world actions the group would expose to you to learn from. Simply concentrating on that one line causes you to miss all the heavenly glory to be found. Quite frankly you seem to have allowed yourself to become a conditioned thinker. You don't seem to be able to feel the difference of reality and what their propaganda creates for us to sift through.

@William_Mary I didn't attack you.. I asked a simple question based on my observation...

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