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G'day there fellow Aussie Sceptics and friends.
Today we welcome yet another recruit to our steadily growing ranks, @anglophone from Western Australia ( aka a Sand-groper, LOL).
So, please raise your glasses and give mighty cheer of welcome please.
Welcome aboard the 'Crazy-train' @anglophone, pull up a stump, fill ya mug with whatever you like and join in the conversations, etc, etc, as often as you desire.

Triphid 9 Nov 13
You must be a member of this group before commenting. Join Group

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button.


Thank you for a most wonderful welcome.

As a child of the Menzies era, I am pleased at how much Australia has got away from many of the prejudices and paternalism of the 1960s, but there is still much to be done.

anglophone Level 9 Nov 14, 2020

Sadly, the 'cancer' of Pig Iron Bob Menzies is still well and truly alive and kicking in the LNP.
Pig Iron Bob, imo and understanding, IS the Demi-God of the Liberal-National Party and always will remain so.
I know and understand where you are coming from since I too was born, bred and raised in that era, I'm '53er myself, grew up in a town were the Labour Party, the Unions and the Workers ALL stood shoulder to shoulder and everyone got a fair shake and a fair go.


Honourable Group Leader @Triphid I just make the point that it would be good if there more posts from this group, if it were active from a wider group. I know this depends on members, and you yourself are very attentive to the group, as is @powder, and my own posts wax and wane with my own pissed off level with stuff in Australia, but i just make this general point.

David1955 Level 8 Nov 13, 2020

No 'Dave Murrays' there M8, I do my best, I honestly do.

yes i don't want to see the group deleted as so many are.

@Triphid absolutely. The comment was for all of us to think about.

@MsDemeanour I agree totally, so let us ALL do our utmost to ensure this group NEVER vanishes.

Hey, ease up on the " Honourable Group Leader" bit PLEASE, I do appreciate the sentiment just a wee bit BUT I AM and ALWAYS shall just and ordinary everyday Aussie bloke.

@Triphid that's right, an Honourable ordinary everyday Aussie bloke. 🙂

@David1955 Okay, you win, I'll buy that one instead though it still doesn't sit quite well with me.

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