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Covid 19 didn't kill enough elderly off & so slower senicidal tactics continue to be employed in Australia?

What is not openly mentioned in the Australian Federal budget is the amount being spent to ensure as many elderly as possible are dispossessed of their assets & lives as soon as possible to reduce the cost of pensions, medicare & other welfare costs.

A Royal Commission into ongoing State & Federal senicidal policies needs holding. They think that because it is not legislated anxiety in the elderly can be perpetrated & encouraged to result in fast onset of Alzheimer's -
"Anxiety may accelerate the progression of mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s disease. Brain scans revealed patients who progressed from MCI to Alzheimer’s disease had decreased volume in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex."

What is your say?

FrayedBear 9 Dec 4
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Makes sense, stress can kill anyway and running the body at those high levels for extended periods is bound to take its toll. Meditation, yoga and mindfulness for all. I suppose the tai chi in the parks is cancelled 😞
Tips for preventing dementia, posted to the sounds of a major road! []

Fascinating. Thank you. I've already shared it on.

I discovered earlier in theyear that the fuckwiits can't even get hospital patients exercising every day. Preferring them to lay rotting in bed 24 hours a day.

@FrayedBear there are tips for that, the care home that I used to work in had programs that many of the residents took part in. One ward was a square, that more able bodied residents could walk around, which was great.
But you can’t force adults to do anything unless they’re sectioned and even then there are rules, so I guess it depends on the dementia and how it presents.

@girlwithsmiles this was a general purpose hospital. They were trying to find out what virus had attacked me the week before. I was at level 8 - 9 pain at its worst, only 1-2 in hospital. CK reading of 3000 which is thought to have gone higher but they forgot to test. Pain was centred on damage left by local surgeon who failed to replace rotator cuff tendon.
The physios simply do not care. Same applied at the Royal Melbourne which seemed to be fighting for my body along with the Alfred.

@girlwithsmiles I used to privately attend a gentle exercise program run through a local women's health group. As a result I was up corridor walking forward & sideways together with doing full knee squats (bum about 6" off the ground) within16 hours of coming out of theatre recovery after a full knee replacement surgery. C19 & other things has knocked exercise sideways.

@FrayedBear sorry to hear that. I’ve developed my own low impact exercises which I’ve adapted through the years, but it’s nice to find a good group.

@girlwithsmiles thanks for the empathy.

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