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Had a great little encounter yesterday. An emotional roller coaster, had it all.

A guy came in the shop, had a little trouble with the Q code check in, walked in and asked me "does everyone do this?". I said "Mate. Half the customers at weekends are kids between 6 and 15 wearing nothing but bathers." We started a bit of a banter and I mentioned a problem with me is no risk assessments are being done eg 10 people in a home; Why 10 and not 9 or eleven? They can't tell us because there is no risk assessment and they are just plucking numbers out their arse." He looked at me, paused, then told me a story.
His outlaws were on the Ruby Princess with his father-in-law succumbing to the virus. He was a fit 72 year old who had had 2 knee replacements but other than that, fine. Organising the funeral in Brisbane was an absolute nightmare and it was restricted to ten due to lockdowns. After sorting out which ten could go, they were suddenly told it was 8 as a priest and funeral director were there ie ten in total. So another mad scramble and an exemption was gained to allow the extra 2 people. A request to hold a small wake at the widower's house with the same 10 people was deemed too risky and denied by authorities.
So after the funeral service they met up at the cafeteria at Bunning's and had a memorable afternoon. He told me this last bit with a glint in his eye and a wry smile. I got so emotional I do believe there may have been a tear in my eye.

That's the Australia I love. When authority give an Aussie idiotic, dickhead directives we go "No worries mate! Can do!". And them promptly find a way around it; all legal of course. Also got me thinking, as Bunnings stay open during lockdowns, maybe we could relocate parliament there? They could take over the "Tool" section.

To that family, Well played. utmost respect.
I was smiling all day.

powder 8 Aug 20
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Was that the party that had 7 test positive in the following week

I never forget an long dead friend describing Australia as the land where "every time a new law is promulgated there are 50,000 bush lawyers working out how to avoid it!"

Many new laws are now interpreted in court through the legislator's intent.

Hence why tax evasion is gaolable & avoidance frequently frowned upon if not prosecuted: []

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 21, 2021

@powder sadly as there are more stupid people than intelligent ones the bleeding obvious with cast iron proof is not accepted. Just look at the followers of Fox news & Rupert's papers.


Since, and in my honest opinion, 99% of the Lockdown Covid Restrictions are decided by State and NOT Federal Governments, then I'd have to agree by a ratio of about 60-40 against most of their asinine decrees, N.S.W. Premier Gladys in particular in opinion give her recent lack of performance.
As soon as, imo, this Delta variant was detected a RING of Steel SHOULD have put in place around the Greater Sydney Region with a outer limit of NO less than a diameter of 250 Kilometres beyond which NO-ONE may enter nor depart from the Exclusion Zone UNLESS for Urgent/Dire Medical Reasons of either a personal or familial nature and certified by a Doctor.
Imo, ALL Grand Duchess Gladys seems to be concerned about was her and ScumMo's usual cry of "The Economy, the Economy."
In my opinion when cases such as this occur the running of Everything SHOULD be handled by the FEDERAL Government from the word go, the State Governments should be put into a type of political 'hybernation' for the interim with 1 set of Rulings, etc, then in place for EVERYONE no matter what State or Territory you live in or come from.

Triphid Level 9 Aug 20, 2021

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