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You really have to ask what the fuck our politicians are doing. More and more data is coming to light these vaccines are not as effective as they were sold. They are also not lasting too long with effectiveness waning after months

So our leaders have chosen elimination rather than flatten the curve, but refuse to set up practical, efficient and effective quarantine so we keep getting outbreaks thus go into lockdown. So vaccinate the population to eliminate. But by the time they get their shit together, the vaccine will have wained in many so when released, we will basically be back at square one and try to booster shot 80% again within months.
Listen to this prick I quote below. Is she dressing shit up in a shiny wrapper and trying to sell it as candy or what? Got to love the "But".

''Regardless of the vaccine evaluated, all vaccines remain effective in preventing hospitalization and severe disease,' Sara Oliver, and Epidemic Intelligence Service officer with the CDC's Division of Viral Diseases, told the committee, reported CNN.
'But they may be less effective in preventing infection and mild illness recently.'

Whatever your position, surely enough data is emerging that the idea of vaccinating school age children should be shelved for the time being. Not enough certainty and we should not be willing to gamble with our children.

powder 8 Aug 31
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Firstly, In actual fact NO VACCINE last in the human body system for any long than a few weeks or a month at most, IT is a device used to STIMULATE the Body's Auto-immune System to produce Antibodies within itself that are SPECIFIC to Infective Agent used to make the Vaccine, then the Auto-immune system encodes the data of those antibodies into itself so it can produce them as required, months, years, etc, down the line.
Please @powder and the author/s of the erroneous bit of twaddle GET your FACTS right FIRST and FOREMOST.

Triphid Level 9 Sep 1, 2021

@powder Boost Shots for Polio. Rubella, Smallpox, etc, which world are you coming from?
Those vaccines give a life-long MEMORY to the Auto-immune system FYI, just as does the B.C.G. vaccination with Tuberculosis.
For others such as Tetanus are regular up-date shot every 5 years is required to REACTIVATE the section of the Auto-immune system to remind it, so to speak, of HOW to make the specific anti-bodies.
With COVID and Variant Delta COVID, we don't yet have enough information, etc, etc, to enable us to make a life-time last vaccination that WILL trigger the Auto-immune system to make the needed anti-body information that WILL remain viable for a life-time.
Can you comprehend/understand that OR would you prefer that I try my darnedest to put in words of 3 or less syllables perhaps?

@powder Please READ and TRY, if at all possible what I have written.
In terms that PERHAPS your intellect, imo, small though it may be, can comprehend, VACCINES are similar to additives used in motor engines like cars, etc.
I.e. they do their job and eventually are used up BUT their EFECTIVENESS remains behind.
So it is with MOST Vaccines.
Or in words/terms that may be even simpler and easier for you to understand,
Turn on a Light switch, the bulb or tube begins to create light, that, Squirrel Nutkins, is due to the switch completing the circuit and allowing the electrical current to flow through to the light source ( bulb or tube), has that managed to SEEP through as yet

@powder Firstly, ARE YOU being deliberately OBTUSE or is it your normality, similar at times to another member from Victoria, or are merely practising in the hope of achieve a recognisability as a Obtuse, Irritating, Pessimistic, Dim-witted, waste of time, effort and oxygen?
READ UP on Anatomy and Physiology regard the Human Body, in particular the section regarding the Human Autoimmune system first and foremost.
Then read up on how viruses can mutate, spread, etc, etc, INCLUDING any other INFORMATION regarding Bacteria, etc, etc.
Though much of the terminology in the usual Medical Reference books will be, imo, WAY, WAY, WAY ABOVE the levels of your comprehension, etc, YOU may find some reference books at a Public Library in the Children's Section that use single or 2-4 syllable words and have simpler, easier to follow diagrams as well.
Please avoid looking at ANY pictures regarding Human Reproductive Organs/information on Human Reproduction, they may well, imo, be way too shockingly explicit and somewhat traumatic to such a child-like mentality, yes my opinion once again.


How are things working with your government since you gave up your guns by the way????

Well, compared to the United States of Absurdity, we haven't experienced REGULAR Mass Shooting in Schools, Cinemas, Streets, etc, etc,, we have no need nor reason for the U.S. ingrained habit of duck and cover at the slight sound that MAY be a gunshot or a car back-firing.

@Triphid but you have the military at you front door

@CourtJester Well since you dwell in Alabama according to your Profile I'd like to know what anything regarding the Military has do with this matter in the first place?
Btw, at my front door there are 2 comfortable seat on the front veranda, a short distance to the front gate, then comes the roadway and, SURPRISE, SURPRISE to YOU, NOTHING Military for hundreds of Miles around.
You may NOT know this BUT Australia is NOT really a MILITARISTIC Country unlike the United States of Absurdity and WE do NOT have Corps of Militia in every State, town or City either btw.


But the manufacturing companies are being paid for them.


Letting the rug rats infect everyone is like Pol Pot telling the Cambodian kids to go & kill everyone over the age of 18 apart from himself.

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 31, 2021

@powder Leaders? Where? Who?
The one eyed man is not the leader in the land of the blind if the blind are arrogantly stupid.


You're right, I wish 100% of the people who were dying were the anti-vaxxers, but sadly, I'll have to settle for 97%. Maybe after the next variant and booster and all children are eligible we can get closer to only having dumb motherfucking moron anti-vaxxers die. Fingers crossed!! Until then, I'll celebrate the death of every single one of them.

YOU have nazis? Ha! You don't know what Nazis are if you think your governments control measures over covid makes them Nazis. We have LITERAL Nazis in our streets. They march around in hoods with swastikas, carry torches, chant "Jews will not replace us", organize and vote for white supremacists, hold membership in the KKK. Straight up actual fuckin we-should-be-murdering-them-like-we-did-in-WWII Nazis. Not to mention we had a white supremacist president who tried to subvert democracy after he lost the popular vote by 7 million. Talk to me when your PM refuses to denounce the KKK/ white supremacist groups/ David Duke in debates or interviews.

@powder I mean, none of that shit matters to me, but if that's what it takes to have numbers like yours instead of numbers like ours, I support it. Fuck, our last president prevented people (like doctors) from coming home with his I-don't-like-brown-people travel ban, so you guys really have nothing on us as far as crazy, Nazi, or racism goes. We may not be banned from leaving, but I imagine there's a ton of places we can't go because of the raging covid cesspool we got going on.

@powder If you're starting from 'they won't let me do whatever I want during a global pandemic' I think you've got a REALLY long trip down the road before you even see our taillights in the distance.

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