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Well now, today is great news for one new member but sad for another.
Today we welcome @Marionville from Northern Ireland to our slowly expanding membership, however, on the other hand we cannot do the same for @Ashley1020 fron Texas since she has NO visible completed Bio/Intro as such.
So, @Marionville, welcome to the world of Aussie scepticism, Irreverence, down-right disrespect for ALL things religious, ridiculous and political ( what ridiculous can one get than religion and politics).
Here you get to speak your mind freely and a succinctly as you so desire, have a friendly dig at other cultures, e.g. jokes about the Poms, the Irish, the Scots, the Aussies, the Kiwis, the Seppos (Yanks) and even the English Royal Menagarie (Family) are quite acceptable.
So, settle in, get comfortable and enjoy the fun as you join in and have a go as well.

Triphid 9 Sep 3
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Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Thanks…I think!

I wonder if @Triphid has warned you about the drop bears, bunyips and willy-willies that abound around here.

@anglophone Ya fergot them Yowies ya know, they's gunna be real piised off at ya for that now....LOL.

Don't think just accept and enjoy.

Welcome @Marionville! Nice to have someone from the old country in the group. I'm one year older than you. I grew up in Belfast and went to Queen's. In 1970 I went to the US for three years, and then came to Australia where I've lived ever since (although I've been back to NI quite a few times). I don't know County Tyrone very well. I'm not a musician, but my wife (Australian) is an alto and used to sing with the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic — she sang once in the Sydney Opera House.

@Coffeo Nice to meet you late husband was from Belfast. His father lectured at Stranmillis and then got a job at Edinburgh University and moved the family over there, which is how I met Peter. We came back to Northern Ireland when we got married in 1973 because they’d just discovered North Sea Oil and the cost of buying a house in Edinburgh rocketed and we bought a decent sized house over here for less than the cost of a one bedroom flat in Edinburgh! Peter was a medical rep., and it was easy enough to get a transfer to NI with his company, I’ve visited Melbourne, and Sydney too, love to have had the experience of singing in the Opera House. Loved Australia and would have moved there in a heartbeat, but we were just about getting too old for them to let us in without bringing in a chunk of money! I think we’d have been all right a few years earlier as Peter was a qualified pharmacist. Anyway, it wasn’t to be. I’m happy enough living here, although I wish we hadn’t voted to leave the EU…that has caused unnecessary strife over the border with Ireland and a stirring up of old grievances which had largely disappeared since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement.

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