he Australian Liberal party demonstrate once again that they a most successful criminal organisation. Even the Mafia do not own their own government.
The election has been held and the Larcenous Nazi Party (L.N.P)lost the election to the Assembly of Lunatics Proper (A.L.P.) Same mob as the previous mafiosa, just wearing a different coat.the A.L.P have proved that are a subculture of the previous Mafiosa, by adopting their criminal activities and policies into their, now present, A.L.P governance activities.
Thank the democrats
Huh?? Democrats in Australia?? that would be news. You seem to have enough problems with them in America. Keep them there!
Besides Australia has never been a democracy.
Australia was a dumping ground/prison for the British criminals.
Over time, although never repatriated, the descendents of these criminals, kept their ancestors trade of theft and debauchery then formed their own political parties and governments.
No other country has a government that has been proven to lie, cheat, steal land, murder innocents, imprison refugees for decades, tell W.H.O human rights inspectors to fuck off for a start.
The population are not given a Bill of rights either so abuse can and does happen constantly and legally.
It's common policy choices regardless of the political party's name.
Posted by FrayedBearIn the event of nuclear war between USA & China what are the most likely first strike targets?
Posted by 1patriotThis is a big concern
Posted by vocaloldfart Australia being turned into ‘51st US state’ – ex-PM Canberra is losing its strategic autonomy due to its security pact with the US and UK, Paul Keating has argued The US is surrounding...
Posted by 1patriot[rebelnews.
Posted by 1patriotThat would be a plus....
Posted by FrayedBearTime for Australia to follow suit?
Posted by 1patriotthey are creating a 15 Cities all along this coast in Australia
Posted by 1patriotthunder writes: I remember early in the pandemic when there was a protest outside the hospital (Toronto Canada).
Posted by vocaloldfart Is this the way of the future?
Posted by vocaloldfartIf you think times were tough under the LNP Mafiosa in the previous years, Give Dutton the disastrous destroyer the vote in the next election, and look foreward to worse to come.
Posted by vocaloldfartMichael Pascoe: And the award for the worst Liberal leader goes to… ?
Posted by vocaloldfartDingoes elevated to 'almost-human' status in pre-colonial Australia .
Posted by vocaloldfartVanadium batteries’ sustainable energy hailed as key to solar revolution Vanadium could be the answer to using solar and wind round the clock, silencing critics who say they’re useless when the...
Posted by FrayedBearThis amused me. How about you? "Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Shulz
Posted by FrayedBearNine chairman, and former Australian Treasurer, Peter Costello is now promoting war with China after making $millions lobbying for defence companies BY SHANE DOWLING ON MARCH 12, 2023
Posted by FrayedBearIt has taken since 1986 for the Australian Human Rights Commission to release papers & a suggested draft for incorporation into Australian law to protect all citizens.