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Just posted main stream.

Popular support for U.S. sanctions against Russia has experienced the most significant drop, falling from 71% a year ago to 58% this spring. So states a propaganda laden report by the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy and NORC.
The decline in support for the sanctions may reflect people’s concern that the efforts to isolate Russia economically have contributed to inflation, analysts said. . . In other words Americans don't give a fuck about the genocides occurring in Ukraine against Russians & Ukrainians fueled by US dollars at the cost of their, US citizens own housing, medical & wellbeing. . . Just how #stupid can you get?

However it is not surprising that given the intense propaganda & censorship in USA through its official narratives & lackey media that 92% of Americans do not have a favourable view of the man giving the opposite view to those directives & propaganda, Vladimir Putin!
. . . They are not allowed to think for themselves any more than 3rd Reich German citizens were allowed to.


So what's your opinion of this continuing electorate manipulation?

FrayedBear 9 May 24
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Russia has the best inflation data in Europe atm. You wonder how much support for Ukraine is in reality antagonism towards Russia due to public figures and media constantly demonising Russia over the last half decade prior to the Russian invasion, which would not have occurred if not for NATO's continued expansion. Fuck Hillary Clinton, the DNC and those in the spook services which enable them rather than prosecute for making a mockery of the American Constitution eg don't need Congressional approval for wars anymore and FBI can manipulate public discourse/ media whilst ignoring Congress.
The weaponisation of currency aka sanctions employed by the US is proving to be their downfall. The world is over the bully boy tactics and finding alternatives rapidly. The weaponisation of SWIFT was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Been watching a lot of doom and gloom commentary on the debt crisis which is now mathematically unserviceable with interest rates as they are. Basic economics that when interest rates are low is the time to service debt, but instead the US borrowed and spent recklessly and now scratching their heads with interest on their debt now impacting big time.
Had a lot of time for the states and wished them well domestically....until Nord Stream. Now I just hope their demise is as quick and painless (for the rest of the world) as possible. A multipolar world is the future, US dominance will not be missed. They abused that privilege and their downfall is totally self inflicted.

Next month will be interesting economically. Looking like the US credit rating will be downgraded causing further interest rate hikes. The digital US dollar will be forced on the US population who shortly (next 10 years) will be the only ones using $USD anyway. That this will be controlled by an already fascist government system is their own fault. No more freedom regarding economic independence on how you spend your money. Won't be able to save as digital money can "expire" if not spent. But it will be convenient not using that physical stuff anymore 😀. You only hope online security will be adequate because atm it is not with data hacks everywhere.
NB The Ukranian ambassador needs to talk to real people, not just wankers at official social events.

puff Level 8 May 24, 2023

Just add we are so tied to the $USD that we will go down with them. Hopefully in the fallout we may get some decent politicians who will welcome us into the new multipolar world and finally grow up not needing Mother England nor Uncle Sam.

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