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I think Australia needs it's own "Leahy Law" then no more adventures with uncle Sam. Hard to wrap my head around the utter hypocrisy of this one.

"Defence chief Angus Campbell has revealed he was advised in writing about American legislation known as "Leahy Law", which prohibits American forces from providing assistance to foreign units accused of gross violations of human rights."

puff 8 June 1
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"The Leahy Law prohibits the United States from providing security assistance to any unit of a foreign security force when there is credible information that the unit has committed a gross violation of human rights. But for years there has been a persistent loophole in the law’s implementation: non-traceable security assistance."
The Project on Middle East Democracy
( the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Washington, D.C.)

This is how the USA has been able to supply arms to Ukraine in spite of their employment of openly fascist militia such as The Azov Assault Brigade known violators of human rights and perpetration of war crimes.
In other words the US can supply arms, money and equipment to the Ukrainian government, and turn a blind eye to who they give them too


Is that per incident or one incident results in loss of all "assistance"?

If the latter when are they pulling out now that Ben Roberts-Smith has had his defamation case thrown out & left himself open to being tried for war crimes as well as disgracing the nation?
Ben Roberts-Smith loses mammoth defamation battle against newspapers, reporters[]

FrayedBear Level 9 June 1, 2023

I imediately thought of Obama arming and training al Nusra, not to mention the CIA adventures. Be a laugh if they can't work with our SAS anymore because of their high moral stance pmsl.
Yeah, a bit embarrasing for a VC winner.

I think he will appeal and win. When the articles were published there was no court verdict yet reached, no judgement or fair trail accorded to him at the time of printing (was it print media or broadcast?). He is probably guilty as sin but the media jumped the gun against what was at the time only allegations. Because of all the publicity, perhaps a good argument he would not be able to get a fair trial now in any criminal proceedings. Mind you if charged, would probably be by military court which doesn't use a jury of your peers.

@puff The Lieberals were all set on him being their Bob Hawke type of saviour - Prime Minister material. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

@puff Stokes also has $25 million riding on it.
I'm waiting to see what Dowling comments in his Kangaroo Court news.

@puff time Dowling did an update. Did you also read his latest on Dutton & the various rape trials where witnesses stil in opposition ministerial position have admitted to perjury?

@FrayedBear Nope but does not surprise, they will go "Whoops! Sorry" and all will be forgiven. They will probably be promoted.

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