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Australia has gone decimal.
Until last month, eggs retailed for $7. a dozen in the major sores except Aldi.
Times have changed eggs are now $7.
for 10.

A dozen carton of eggs are increasingly difficult to find due to supplier shortages, while the ten carton eggs are plentiful and freely available.

My question now remains when will the Australian Mafiaosa (government) in conjunction with vested industry will introduce a day based on decimal units to save costs and increase productivity?

vocaloldfart 8 Sep 16
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Can't see it until decimal currency is totally secure. To much fraud atm, lots of scams and hacks.
Was just in Cairns and the Ferris wheel had a big sign "We accept cash". This really pisses me off because as legal tender, they must accept it as payment. If we can't trust our paper money will be accepted as payment, confidence will crash as will our fiat system of trade.

If I had money to burn, I would go into one of these "electronic payment only" shops, grab my product leaving cash on the counter as payment then walk out. I would then hope to be arrested where I would take it to court.
My evidence would be any dollar bill and I would point out it has printed on it "legal tender" signed off by our treasury. My argument would be I had made a lawful transaction, with the business breaking the law by not accepting Australian legal tender within Australia.
I predict the court will rule that businesses have to accept Australian legal tender within Australia.

Saying that we will go totally digital one day and they are starting, they pulled bills out of circulation last year. And when it happens, paper money would be phased out over many years, even decades but not banned altogether for awhile. Should see our lifetimes out.............hopefully

puff Level 8 Sep 16, 2023

I think that although a retailer has a price tag on goods the sale is not at the discretion of the buyer. It is at the discretion of the seller. Whether cash can be refused I am not a lawyer & therefore cannot comment. If schools can refuse to teach because pupils refuse to accept religious indoctrination I'm sure that lawyers will make argument on the justification so long as it is not infringing the rights of gay jewish whales!

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