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I'm starting to be very glad I wasn't born now.

puff 8 Nov 5
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Why? You do realise that every time that a local council, research facility, government department, advisory board, ombudsman, court et al publish bullsit information they can be complained against when newspapers, tv & radio regurgitate it to convince everyone that it is correct?
The ACMA will be swamped with complaints from anti frackers, anti vaccinationers, anti abortionists, anti sobriety\ gun owners\ drug users\ anti unionists\ anti public health\ anti bulk billing advocate & their opponents in the country.

The Central Coast of NSW had a series of free local area newspapers published. The content was limited to press releases from local councils, state & federal government & their departments & NGO's together with carefully selected reader's letters to the editor. The majority of those press releases were propaganda trying to persuade readers that the false information presented government in good light. . . Remember Powell & his weapons of mass destruction? Who could you complain about that to in Australia before this?
Mind you the ACMA is not exactly squeaky clean or any less bogus than the findings on ABC's media watch.
I was part of a small group that had the ABA (forerunner of the ACMA) licencing ruling overturned when they illegally allowed an xtian group to make a new licence application because they had not complied with the law in their original application. This was 5 months after the tender date had passed. You can read about it in Hansard on the senate enquiry into Australian Community Radio that was in 2006 from memory. Hansard is now published on the internet . . . 🤔


My youth must have been the happy days, if one can handle the odd physical fight, and parents wonder why we needed feelings.and don't trust people over age 30. It was the 90s when people felt like they were slowly turning into vombies and Robots. Then the Trojan horse of covidism to begin the apocalypse, the weapon of mass distraction. Then a cloud of genderism, carbonism, centro bankster and the God of Governmen and the operation of whitewash mediaism. I'm so tired of freaking any centroism of isms. Bossing my individualism around all day. The time has come of lifting of the veil of truth by 2925. An 80 year cycle from world War 2, before that the Civil War. Before that the American revolution. Most people will says it's the worst period of their lives in their lifetime. From only belonging to the optimist club, I'm soon looking forward to a new MAGICAL ROARING 20s of good times again. Of course there will alway be chess players, who own their slaves. Wail I'll play tit for tat sharig a.Cooperative game in life.


just like Canada and the USA they are not countries like we thought....they were incorporated like business....that why our courts systems are corrupt because they work for the corporation.... yes we need to change that what that song, first we take Manhatten than we take Berlin in slow 60 year war!

1patriot Level 8 Nov 6, 2023

king chuck throwing his weight around....they are not english royalty either. in the 1800 they kill the king of english and installed the Windsor, people from Germany. not sure if you knew any of that this mafia goes a long way back


i hear yea i think it's going to be a real fight.

1patriot Level 8 Nov 6, 2023

Russia Release Damning 2,000 Page Report Proving COVID Was a Globalist Bioweapon []

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