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Good news. I've drilled in the Channel country, lots of free gas with Coal seams often the cap rock. Our water tables are more important, keeping their integrity.
Good decision, just took a while.

puff 8 Aug 4
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Trouble is the contamination from fracking will spread from NT to Queensland via the great artesian basin. & It's already on its way. Ban the effing lot Australia wide.

Wind turbines can fuck off too, they seem to be flavour of the month proposed Tassie, WA and SA. The Birkhead Fm is full of oil but as tite as a......................This Formation also lies above the great artesian basin acting as a cap rock ie halting migration to sea level, where hydrocarbons try to migrate (From memory Namur Fm is the artesian basin, been a while) so if they frac that shale Birkhead Fm for oil........................bye bye aquifer of fresh water as saline aquifers are both above and below it.
The yanks will cut and run from the ME and Europe soon to take Venezuela's oil/ gas. Exactly the same as Ukraine eg can't have a democracy in favour of BRICS not us, better force the right democracy on them via a coup, Blinken discrediting the election before it even finished.

@puff please correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't fracking cause earth tremors? Earth tremors cause fractures. Fractures allow for seepage into strata previously thought to be impenetrable. Therefore contamination will occur.
Venezuela has now told the Americans to fuck off they're giving the oil rights to BRICS members - is USA going to invade or just assassinate Madura?
I'm going to be interested to see what happens when a large missile takes out the US aircraft carrier sent to defend ? Israel. Particularly if it's a missile of depleted uranium that will penetrate through the flight deck to the keel.

@FrayedBear Fracking just creates artificial porosity so hydrocarbons can migrate through the Fm, fill the well then be pumped out. Formations not porous are "tite" and don't flow.
They frack by both pressuring up the well bore to "shatter" the Formation plus add lots of nasty corrosive chemicals, manufacturing these chemicals not nice either. The problem is the golden rule which is when you fracture Formation, the fracture will follow the path of least resistance; it's just physics and makes perfect sense this "golden rule". What this means is you have to picture downhole in 3D and you have no idea where the fracture will go. Oil/ gas/ water are found in sedimentary Formations, layer upon layer, so the danger is contaminating integral aquifers be they oil/ gas or water. Once Formation integrity is gone, you don't get it back. And once fresh water mixes with saline water, it all becomes salty. Forever.

@FrayedBear If the US sites missiles in Europe, Russia will site them in Venezuela. Already a Russian warship in Cuba and the Ruskies and China now flying joint sorties near Alaska (what you get when you fly sorties in the Black Sea).

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