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Join the growing numbers letting the Australian government know that its citizens do not want the AUKUS Nuclear deal with USA & UK.

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FrayedBear 9 Aug 24
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Reading the petition, it is just anti-nuclear. Much better reasoning should have been offered like;
The deal was done in secret without even parliament knowing.
We surrendered our sovereignty on a promise our sovereignty is at risk if we don't. I mean really, WTF kind of brain damaged logic is that?????? Reeks of Stockholm Syndrome.
Is Australia's "defense" enhanced by this deal at all? It's a lot like NATO eg AUKUS has severely pissed off our near neighbour's and major trading partners ie Asia and the Pacific.
We already allow nuclear military kit into Australia. But don't tell anyone, it's a secret.

But fuck it, I'll sign it anyway 😀

puff Level 8 Aug 24, 2024

No link.
Would have been nice if we were asked beforehand.
Ed Even if we stay in AUKUS, atm it should be suspended as our partners actively engage in supporting not only war crimes but crimes against humanity.
War to save "The West" is coming and is the only reason Assange was released ie to remove that irritant dissuading Aussies to join the coming war to save US hegemony and colonial European dominance in world affairs..

puff Level 8 Aug 24, 2024

Link fixed

@FrayedBear comment edited 😉

Hmm? Not sure about reason for Assange. & That crap of him having to plead guilty was simply disingenuous - after the years of torture that they've put him under he was in no fit state to continue arguing the case therefore his survival necessitated acquiesceing to the inappropriate blackmail.

Love your argument on being forced to support genocide in Russia & Palestine, US hegemony & European colonialism. The continuance of the aforementioned is just so #stupid.

@FrayedBear Assange was a trinket to keep our politicians in line. Make the leaders of our pissant country feel important you see, makes them think they have sway over the US. Australian domestic pressure was building to get him released and there was no point in the US keeping him as all he had exposed has now become legal and normalised eg the US openly supports and enables the slaughter of Palestinians, their culture and historic places, so what more can wikileaks embarrass them about? The Red Sea command is another trinket to make us dickheads feel important.
I feel for Assange as it is not good having your spirit broken, forced to ignore deep held morality. It's happened to me twice: Once being interrogated and once when forced to get an injection. But both of these experiences cannot compare to Assange. I hope he enjoys his family now and enjoys watching those in the US who persecuted him go down. He's done his job.

@FrayedBear I don't think the conflict in Ukraine can be called a genocide. Mind you, after German tanks rolled across their border along with other NATO kit and expertise and started taking civilians hostage (why the Kremlin has termed it a terrorist act as professional armies/ soldiers don't do that), there may now not be too much of Ukraine left once Russia has finished.
A big part of genocide is intent, and I don't really see intent on either side. Sure the current Ukraine regime want to remove everything Russian from their society but I don't think they wish the end of all Russians. Sure, some do, but that happens every war.
Now Zionist Israel is much more clear cut. They deny a Palestine or Palestinians even exist, have ever existed. This stance from their parliament. Genocide 100% no doubt about it.

@puff I consider your ukraine argument semantics & imo genocide is occurring of both Russians & Ukrainians all at American instigation. It may also end being proven that there was also Jewish involvement in the instigation (Blackrock is jewish controlled)

@puff "Make the leaders of our pissant country feel important you see, makes them think they have sway over the US." - more fool them.

"The Red Sea command is another trinket to make us dickheads feel important." Disagree, it's done in order to totally disadvantage Australia & enjoin the USA in the criminality being undertaken. Australia will now have huge difficulty in ever joining BRICS. . . It should have been a valued partner & contributor now it will simply become another Gaza.

@FrayedBear We will join BRICS regardless in we will start trading in national currencies rather than $USD. Ain't nothing going to stop that although I agree, we will probably be heavily sanctioned.
I'm hoping some opposition political party will form that is pro-BRICS, although that is a ways off yet.
Yes we have always been dickheads in that whenever the US has a brain fart regarding foreign policy, they always try to form a "coalition of the willing" and who are the first fuckheads to jump up and give credence to the brain fart? Us dickheads that's who and this is the greatest use of Australia for the US; To help justify their wars by enabling both diplomatically and more and more, militarily. But to keep this arrangements going, every now and then our sycophant politicians get tossed a bone eg Freeing Assange and giving "roles" to keep us involved even when we command no Australian force.

@FrayedBear Genocide is the most serious crime so to accuse people of it semantics are important. Too many words have been diluted in true meaning by being tossed around willy nilly and it would be a great shame if this happened to "genocide" as well. Talking about words like "crisis", "awesome" etc

@puff you are defending USA a country that has with the UK been actively seeking to destroy non Tsarist Russia for more than 100 years. Their joint behaviours during that time have resulted in the deaths of many millions of Russians. The current conflict in Ukraine has additionally resulted in the deaths of 100,000's of Ukrainians.

@puff from memory, human rights infringements do not have degrees of importance ie. all breaches have the same level of gravity.

@FrayedBear Can't go past genocide.

@puff interestingly I was told of the lack of degrees of importance by a senior employee of the Australian Commission for human rights, HREOC, who despite knowing that I had proven Australia to be breaching mine & my daughter's rights under international covenants did nothing about it.

So I've just asked the "Perplexity" app's AI the question " are there different degrees of human rights crimes"
The answer:
"Yes, there are different degrees of human rights crimes. Human rights violations can vary in severity and impact. Some violations, such as genocide, torture, and crimes against humanity, are considered extremely serious and may constitute atrocity crimes if they meet certain criteria, such as being widespread or systematic[1][2][3]. Other violations, like discrimination or denial of services, may not reach the threshold of atrocity crimes but still represent significant breaches of human rights[1][3]. The context and scale of the violations often determine their classification and severity[2][3].

[1] What Are Human Rights Violations? []
[2] The Relationship Between Violations and Abuses of Human Rights ... []
[3] [PDF] What amounts to 'a serious violation of international human rights ... []
[4] Bachelor of Human Rights/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal ... []
[5] Rights in criminal proceedings - QHRC []
[6] An Introduction to Human Rights []
[7] Human Rights in Australia []
[8] The Close Relationship Between Serious Human Rights Violations ... []

So much for Australian expertise & protection.

@FrayedBear You used the wrong keywords. Try 'Crimes against humanity' rather than 'human rights'.
Genocide is the ultimate crime against humanity eg can you think of anything worse? The only worse crime would be erasing all life, not just human life. A Crime against life.
We have human rights, war crimes and crimes against humanity. They are all universal, differing unlawful acts but should be treated separately. There is a lot of overlap which does not make it clear cut admittedly.

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