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Australian gas management. Sigh

puff 8 Sep 8
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This a quite close to home for you , isn't it?
I believe what was said to be fairly accurate, but how can we do anything to remedy the situation??
Money can do whatever it pleases worldwide. Unless we are knocked back to the stone age and manage somehow to get rid of the greedy among us, things will just keep on repeating.
We have had 5 past civilisations according to the Veda,, Asian myths, Mayan and Hopi legends. Each time apparently, we have faced the same challenges and failed. Will greed kill civilisation or sterilise the earth of life this time??

Yes, Australia has gas coming out of every orifice, it's oil we don't have much of. Our politicians get bought off. Corruption more than anything. A human flaw, perhaps if AI gets good enough we should let it manage our resources.
Who knows. Geological time, changes don't really happen gradually, they happen in events, a relatively short time frame ie a single human generation or quicker. meteor strikes, eruptions. Climate changes reach a tipping point ie not a straight line curve, a parabolic one.
We do have the technology to blow ourselves up and all other life with it. But life is very resilient. Life wants to live and adapts. If we do wipe ourselves out, as long as Earth remains in the "Goldilocks zone" where we have surface water and an atmosphere, something else will crop up I think. Good old cockroaches will probably survive and microscopic stuff. Anyway, we'll all be dead but a real shame if our living generation causes a catastrophic extinction event. Bit selfish of us.

@puff I agree the end of our civilisatin as we know it now is goingodown the proverbial gurgler most assuredly form many factors coming on the heals of each other.
the main antagonist is man, specifically the predator class( billionaires) Gates, Musk et al have already set in motion the removal of "useless eaters". Onr through vaccination and artificial food, the other with transhumanism computer interface and A.I.
These predators have built underground citadels for their survival ,and of course, their chosen slaves and families. the rest will be embroiled in famine, war and civil unrest.
When Robots do the jobs of men, man has nothing to do. He cannot get work, so a guaranteed income is mandatory.
Here again the aggressive predatory nature will exert itself . Minor predators (gangs, warlords) will emerge
The real fun will begin when the top predators go to war with each other.
Sooner or later there will have to be a contest for the position of Alpha Predator
We live n exciting times

@vocaloldfart I always remember Maslow's needs, which divides what we actually need and what are wants ie not essential to life. He wrote it for humans but it applies to all species.

  1. Clean food and water/ nourishment
  2. Shelter from the elements. All species have a niche
  3. Safety from predators
    and for humans
  4. Social interactions

Everything else is wants.
So if a combination of AI and robotics can achieve this for humanity. AI/ robotic community gardens, shelter, sanitation, power generation/ storage and security. Lots of them, not just one big one. Like suburbs. Each community self sufficient and supply their own power through renewables. AI/ robots can build our shelters and service medical needs. This frees us up to pursue our wants. The arts and sport. Humans being humans would probably want defenses as well, anti drone stuff going by modern warfare.
An important aspect of this is to have each community have autonomous AI, no central control as globalists desire. No real need for big government. I think a universal wage is inevitable and this may be used for travel and leisure pursuits. It won't be a consumer driven society anymore.
It's nice to dream, but more likely to blow ourselves up as things stand.

@puff Utopia is a pleasant dream. It is a yearning for a better life. Unfortunately that is all it is, a dream, an ideal! It has never existed in human society, nor can it until we change our genetic code so that there is no greed and predation.
All through human history, the adage has held true:- You have, I want, I take plus the more I have the more I want, so I take..........
Call it business, progress, religion or war the driving factors are the same in all accounts.

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