7 5

So we have a new Prime Minister. He has only been in parliament for eleven years. Right-wing and representing the electorate now the last known to harbour race riots and of course location of the television series "Sylvania Waters" exposing Australia's suburban nouveau riche. A series only outdone in its cultural cringe by its opposite in the socio-economic scale "Housos".
Read all about him -

FrayedBear 9 Aug 24
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Australia used be a 'Lucky Country' now we are sorely tested by having the likes of Scumo ( Scomo), Whiney Pynie, Scabbott, Julie Bitchslop, Wandering Dick Joyce and the entire LNP bought and paid for by the likes of Gina, the Immeasurable Bulk, Reinhart and the big end of town little rich-boy Leeches.
When will it all come to an end and the people actually wake themselves from the complacency?

Triphid Level 9 Sep 20, 2018

Good question and I don't have an answer. I've been trying to figure it out during the Hawke, Keating, Howard years and it is simply getting worse. I am beginning to suspect the cumulative effect over 40 years from fluoride in the drinking water and changed drinking habits resulting from the cessation of the six o'clock swill and move to drinking mixers and wine rather than beer. That and the snowflakes of the last twenty years.

@FrayedBear Oh yes, the " snowflake element," and if brains were gunpowder none of them would have enough to blow a hair off of the end of their nose.
It used to be that Labor was all for the Working Class, the Elderly, Families and the Unemployed, now they are so bloody lost that they couldn't find their own arseholes to scratch it.
The LNP now seems to be on the " Resurrect the Ideologies of their beloved Demigod, Pig-Iron Bob Menzies" with a very ' liberal' splash of rampant Catholicism and Evangelism mixed well into a large draught of the heady wine of " sucking up to the Wealthy" and of course the " let's fill our own pockets at the expense of the plebs and prols" ideology that has sustained that mob of 2 faced, lying, conniving, back-stabbing, scum-sucking bottom-feeders since the inception of the party.
I'm a firm believer that what Australia needs is 2 main things;
A) get rid of the archaic 2 Party System completely, become a Republic and have a President ELECTED by the People and the President need NOT be elected from the Party in Government, and,
B) a complete NEW and fully comprehensive Constitution.
There are other items I could add but those 2 will do for now.

@Triphid Doesnt matter which party - they are simply there for themselves and their cronies. Depends what is in the constitution. President? Do you really think someone could be found these days worthy of the position? I haven't seen a worthy role model in my adult lifetime and before adulthood was too naive, stoopid and ignorant to know!


The Australian Liberal party and all liberal European parties are center right wing. The over-ton window has just meant that in say the US far left and liberal are the same. Hell Australia has done very well under a traditionally socialist party Australian Labor Party. Why do you think we didn't have a national crash in 27 years? We would've had one if we were under liberal during Margret Thatchers reign and what that did to the UK. Of course John Howard did his best to get rid of socialist policies only created in the 80's such as the dole and free health care. John did put regulations on guns, bought back a 5th & made it more expensive. Labor has had 3 world winning treasurers and Liberal hasn't had one. Julia Gillard was unfairly attacked by media when she was PM but she got stuff done getting her first policy passed in 23 days and through compromise with the other parties. The dollar increased under Julia Gillard, stuff was going okay. Kevin Rudd was a decent PM first time around. I'm voting labor and support Bill Shorten. Quite frankly I'd support a great deal of labor candidates. They have a good track record. Liberal is what republican is in USA a business party that isn't even that good at that(and more attached to the UK).

DragonDust Level 6 Aug 28, 2018

So that is what passes for a Liberal in Australia. It turns out, t am not a liberal, by Australian definition . He sounds like he has more in common with the republicans here, and the Conservatives in Canada.

LB67 Level 7 Aug 24, 2018

In Australia there is a massive difference between Liberal and liberal. They are almost polar opposites.

Yes, our Liberals are conservatives and our Labour party are liberal (and I know that they ALP now prefer "Labor", but that's just bloody wrong. That's just Murdoch/Yank spelling, and I will not be a part of it 😉 )


I'll pass

Xena Level 6 Aug 24, 2018

this just exacerbates my current depressive state - but i wouldn't have expected anything less from aussie politics.


Our president had zero political experience prior to becoming president. I think the 11 years in Parliament trumps trump.

It doesn't take long to learn the power of the party whip and entrenched corruption.


I think I'll skip that, thanks. I prefer more cheerful reading.

Coffeo Level 8 Aug 24, 2018
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