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Whilst successive Australian governments make a shambles of our disability and pension schemes whilst spending money on warfare the following year old report came to light for me to share the lunacy with you:


FrayedBear 9 Oct 3
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Our present (mis) government seems to be hell-bent upon depriving the working classes, the poor, the disabled, the Pensioners and the Unemployed of anything and everything that even closely resembles what could be termed as a ' decent living standard' to curry favour with the " Big End of Town."
But hey, what else can we expect from a LNP Government that idolizes the philosophies of their much Vaunted Mentor, Pig-Iron Bob Menzies who went on record by once stating, loud and clear, that "the average Working Class Australian SHOULD only be allowed the very, most BASIC necessities of life such as bread, beer, long working hours and as little an income as possible with absolutely NO hope of advance what-so-ever."

The same, it seems, applies to America as well, the poor get poorer whilst the rich just get richer and those who are sick, injured and aged simply get swept aside.
Upper crust Americans seems so ardent about NOT having a Universal Health Care System just as the LNP in Australia are about doing their utmost to dismantle ours, why is that Americans, do you WANT to continue your lives paying exorbitant Health Insurances just so those Insurance Companies can continue to expand their ever increasing Profit Margins give their Share-Holders and Executives greater and greater bonuses, etc, etc?
Aren't we ALL the same, are we not ALL entitled as Human Beings to good and decent Health and Medical Treatments no matter our social or income statuses?

Triphid Level 9 Oct 3, 2018

I think that somewhere in the world human rights conventions signed by most countries that is one of the mentioned rights.

@FrayedBear Yes it is and Australia is one the signatory nations to the International Bill of Human Rights, it would seem that our ' beloved(?????) Government has, for some mysterious and unknown reason, forgotten all about that Bill just, as it seems, has America.

@Triphid I've known that since 1992 when three judges in appeal told me that because the Aust Government has not incorporated ratified agreements into law they, the judges, cannot apply those international agreements in Australian law courts. Just bullshit to fob me off and identify that Australian court is like Australian word - worthless. In 1996 Lexie Downer urged on Gareth Gareth Evans to modify the Administrative Decisions Act to say exactly what the judges had said. The general election saw Evans, the bovver boy Keating and the rest of the arrogant Labor crew thrown out in favour of chipped teeth, let me get my nose up Yankee bums, Howard and his equally hubristic crew. As we all remember that has led us into the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and offshore concentration camps.

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