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They are at it again. Only this time the damage could effect people from one side of the country to the other. The Northern Territory government has dropped the ban on fracking. The chairman of Origin Energy cannot guarantee that fracking in remote NT will not contaminate and destroy water in the Great Artesian basin. I believe some of that water takes up to 2000 years to get from one side of the country to the other. It helps sustain important agricultural industry.
First Nation people travelled to the Origin AGM in Sydney recently and resulted in shareholders holding the company board accountable for proposed tracking plans. In my opinion there should be huge cash sink funds put up by these companies prior to work commencing or quite simply common sense should prevail and the abomination of fracking be abandoned forthwith.


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FrayedBear 9 Oct 28
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NO fracking in Australia what-so-ever SHOULD be the Law.

Triphid Level 9 Oct 28, 2018

What's the point in not being a state if you make these horrible concessions anyway? Fuck fracking we only have so much water, we don't need it on fire.

DragonDust Level 6 Oct 28, 2018

We may be the Peoples of Australia BUT we are NOT permitted to tell our government what it should do or not do, the BIG Money end of town has bought those rights out from under our feet.
All the Politicians are interested in is helping the Big money make even more money so they can contribute even more money to political campaigns for their supporting Political Parties.
Out here in Far western N.S.W. we've been fighting for years to stop them from repeatedly draining the Darling River and the Menindee Lakes Storage Scheme dry so as the Cotton and Rice Growers can stockpile as much water as they possibly can as well as to ' flush' out the Murray River to keep Adelaide and the Irrigation Farmers happy whilst we and other communities along the Darling and graziers reliant upon both the river and the Menindee to Broken Hill Pipeline have been battling drought, water shortages and feed shortages ever since the governments allowed properties like Cubby Station to begin growing cotton nearly 20 years ago.
At present OUR water supply stinks of decaying weed matter and mud, tastes metallic and is almost unpalatable, causes itching and rashes after showering/bathing, causes massive build up of salts, etc, in Air Coolers, Hot Water Systems and around taps etc, Yes, we can have rainwater storage tanks, IF one can afford one, BUT we are NOT permitted to use rainwater for consumption since it contains lead dust, etc, from the Skimp ( Waste Earth/Materials) Dumps built up over years by the Mining Companies.
No Government, State or Federal has EVER forced the Mining Companies to remove and recycle those dumps, they just stand there and dust blows from them regularly coating everything and everyone.
Yes, Australia needs FRACKING like everyone needs an extra Arse-hole.

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