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Of course it had to be a woman living in the nanny state who complained that her fifteen month old son was exposed to three balloons, each balloon bearing the letter K for Kinder.
Proof yet again of a failed Australian educational system?

Parents ‘sickened’ after chocolate treat for children contains ‘KKK’ surprise []

FrayedBear 9 Jan 13
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i reckon the letter "k" should be extricated from the english language.

They would simply use 'C'... In fact "Countless Clueless Cowardly Clowns" sounds positively correct imo.

@FrayedBear, some humour wouldn't go astray .... kaykaykaykaykaykay ?

@walklightly You've been sleeping too long with the Kookaburras!


Hey, did everyone see the latest "effluence" from the 'Happy Clappy Chappy' Scum Mo?
Thongs( flip-flops to you yankies), etc, are BANNED from ALL Australia Day Celebrations including Citizenship Ceremonies, No T-Shirts, Singlets, Shorts, Akubra hats to be worn, ONLY Baseball caps to be allowed, probably in keeping with arse-licking to the American President, etc.
Well, UP yours, Scum Mo, on Australia Day I'll be wearing my thongs, my singlet, my shorts, the hat of my choice ( Australian of course) and there'll be pork and lamb on the Barbie, so shove that up you Catechasm and like it.

Triphid Level 9 Jan 13, 2019

I thought that the edict was merely for the swearing in ceremony of new chums as Australians on invasion day.

If he is promoting baseball caps he should be severely reprimanded for encouraging skin cancer. Incidentally I was led to believe that the baseball cap was stolen from the French. The cap was used by their soldiers when foraging.

@FrayedBear Give P.M. Happy Clappy Chappy an inch, mate, and you can be certain he'll take a mile, it's the way of the religion driven beast.


I think Kimberley probably needs to get out more and experience the world. There’s a lot worse than that waiting for her little one out there!

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Jan 13, 2019

Shit on a twisted stick, what's up with her, has she gotten her pubes in a tangle or something?
Why the bloody hell doesn't she try getting down off her cross and letting someone else have a spell up there for a change?

Triphid Level 9 Jan 13, 2019

I wonder if her son even knows his alphabet at that age?
Is that an age appropriate toy to be giving to a fifteen month old boy? - Another irresponsible parent?

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 13, 2019
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