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Opinion on the Assange arrest - is it wonderful to be abandoned by your government and not protected?

Does this case mean that the ideals and Australianism espoused by Doc Evatt, and signed up to by numerous Australian Governments since 1948 is now worth nothing more than yesterday's used and disintegrating toilet paper flushed down the sewer? Are you still proudly Australian or wishing that you had been born in New Zealand?

FrayedBear 9 Apr 15
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I became an Australian in 1981. I was proud then. I'm not now.

Coffeo Level 8 Apr 15, 2019

And they can take it from you if they wish. They probably wish that Assange had not been born here.


It’s the slippery slope to global autocracy as espoused by the much derided conspiracy theorists of late 80s/90s. Forget nationhood. We are Citizens of the World now. Not with the utopian dream of global cooperation but global subjugation. We could well be on the way to the Morlocks and Eloi scenario from HG Wells’ Time Machine within the next 50 yrs. You can see why the Endtimes eschatology is so appealing to many Christian groups.

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Apr 15, 2019

Thanks for the new word to me "eschatology".

@FrayedBear Haha. It means the study of endings.

@Geoffrey51 I looked it up. Thanks.


I, for one am totally disgusted considering given that, a) the Lib-Nats have touted for and imposed regulations AGAINST 'Whistle-blowers' since well before Johnny 'Flak-Jacket', Cane-toad Howard's time, b) they busted their gut to get that scum-bag Hicks out of Guantanamo, c) have been arse-kissing the Yanks since WWII, and last but by no means least, d) have been selling us out to the Highest Bidder for longer than I care to remember.

Triphid Level 9 Apr 15, 2019

@powder Yeah but the Lib-Nats bent over backwards and let him back in the country.

@powder Both the Seppos ( Yanks) and the Poms have been pulling Australian Political strings for even longer than I can remember, just look at the skullduggery that they used to get Gough Whitlam AFTER he decided that the Yanks MUST close down Pine Gap or actually pay more than the 'peppercorn rent' they were paying.

@Triphid Very difficult to stop a natural born citizen returning to his birthplace. I recall one case where the Australian government deported a drug seller back to Poland where he was born but did not speak the language as he was brought to Oz before he could speak.

@Triphid and West Papua & Timor. Both abandoned by Gough.

@FrayedBear Er, sorry BUT the West Papua and Timor Incidents were long E.G. Whitlam was screwed over by the Libs, Poms and Yanks.
Check EGW,730amn231, ASIO file DCT87713 if you know a good hacker.

@Triphid Whoops my mistake West Papua 1962 formal acquisition completed 1969. E. Timor invasion happened the month after Gough's dismissal - were the two linked?
I do not know any good hackers. Where did you acquire the specific ASIO File # for Gough?

@FrayedBear I was once an employee of A.S.I.S. the brains trust behind the Idiots of A.S.I.O.

@Triphid What did you do there?

Did you ever listen to "the Navy Lark" from BBC Radio? They always created joyous reaction to the phone response / greeting by British Naval Intelligence headquarters.

@FrayedBear I was in the Documents and Information Correlations Departments.

@Triphid that's a DICD department is it? No sheilas working there?

@FrayedBear Yep, DICD of A,S.I.S. but there were a few sheilas in the Department from time to time.

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