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So, ScumMo and the Lib-Nats are getting into the political bed with the 2 biggest rat-bags Parties for the up and coming Federal Election, i.e. the United Australia Party ( the re-named Palmer United Party) and the One Nation Nation Party ( run by that Redheaded , sincere apologies to ALL other Redheads btw) Dipstick and her colleague, Mark, Mad as a Hatter, Latham.
ScumMo and the Libs-Nats MUST be desperate to be doing a Preference Deal with those two, considering the Palmer seems to have 'mislayed' ALL but $109 from the Indigenous Fund of well over a MILLION dollars and Hanson and Latham, in my opinion, couldn't manage to run a successful chook raffle in a full to overflowing Pub on a Saturday Arvo if they tried.

Triphid 9 May 6
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The LNP, led by supposed Christian Scott Morrison, is morally moribund, as these decision show. Dog whistling politics seems to be Morrison's stock in trade.

Doubting Level 6 May 8, 2019

"supposed" Christian, ScumMO IS a full blown member of the Hillsong Church my friend, a 100% dyed in the wool Happy Clappy, Jesus Chappy.

@Triphid Yes, I know. I call him a 'supposed' Christian because his actions are at odds with so much of what Christians purport to beleve. Mind you, the pentecostal version of that allows for private experience to trump so much, so he might even say he is doing God's will in his dogwhistling.

In Australia I believe there are literally millions who are concerned at the depths to which we have sunk to in this election. I cannot remember an election that has relied more on the Murdoch gutter press tactics of personal insults of the team he doesn't want in - and we let him get away with it. No one person should be allowed to do that - but alas now his side has stolen another 3 years, there will be no checks and balances legislated. Morrison who had no policy offering (just "we are the ones who can financially manage the nation" ) - had also endorsed and led a highly defamatory advertising campaign full of lies & deceit!

This man who wears the hallmark of Christianity on his sleeve is a fraud. How can a so-called Christian defend such actions:- blatantly championing the corporate billionaire elite against the working class (top heavy tax cuts for his mates while cutting funding for hospitals, schools and the disability sector, just to name a few); confining refugees to offshore islands and condemning them to many, many years of insecurity and in many cases abuse and psychological torture; committing Australia to yet more mega coal mines for a handful of fulltime jobs and impending ecological disaster.

What is a Federal government for, if not to ensure the best standard of living for the majority of its citizens and ensure a safety net for those who cannot make it unaided. I am disgusted by this government and especially the leaders within who all sing to the same outdated economic songbook, of the ' trickle down' effect' to alleviate the woes of the working class, and I call on everybody who believes that the country has been diddled in this election farce to keep the conversation going, because we need now more than ever - separation of church (and mosque and temple) and state and we will all be watching and appraising what happens over the next 3 years - most importantly, we must not allow a repeat of what has happened in May 2019...

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