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Cubbies Station has all the water they need and some, while others.....

Jolanta 9 Oct 16
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I wonder exactly how Canberra would feel/react should we, out here in this very drought ravaged region of Australia, decided to construct a pipeline running from Lake Berley Griffin and start pumping the water we desperately need to our houses, taps, farms and stock watering troughs?
I'd lay odds on that there'd be uproar such as this country has never heard nor seen before.
You could be certain that Josh Frydenburg would DEFINITELY travel a whole LOT further than his mere short trip to Inverell then I reckon.

Triphid Level 9 Oct 16, 2019

You know I live in Canberra and it is not my fault what the politicians decide who come from all over Australia here to Canberra. Building a pipe line and taking water from Lake Berly Griffin would not matter so much as Canberra catchment area is not the lake, but I get your gist. It is disgusting what is happening, and now they have given the ok for Adani to use unlimited amounts of water for their mine too. Just disgusting, both the LNP and Labor are to blame.

@Jolanta I was NOT leveling the blame on the people of Canberra and the A.C.T. nor you either.
But you have a lake full of water where we have, some 100lms away, a series of lakes AND a RIVER that is drier than a sun-bleached bone, a 500 million dollar pipeline that is NOT allowed to run at FULL capacity, Grazing Properties with stock and families, townships, etc, that are either running out of water altogether OR have NO water available what-so-ever and that IS happening, NOT just here but almost everywhere west of the Divide.
And WHY you may ask, for 2 main reasons, A) The Cotton and Rice Growers were given absolute FREE rein to extract as much water from the Darling River as they saw fit, and, B) We ARE in one the worst droughts in living memory YET still the Cotton/Rice Growers above Bourke are allowed to extract even the smallest flows that reach them via the Darling and its tributaries.
Now, we the people of Broken Hill are being told that the 500 million dollar GIFT of that pipeline from Wentworth to Broken Hill was NOT a gift and WE ALL must PAY an extra COST added to our already exorbitant quarterly Water Rates Bills to PAY for that 'GIFT.'
That 500 million dollars would have been better spent on dredging the silt from the Lakes Water Storage Scheme and our local Reservoirs plus replacing the original Menindee to Broken Hill Pipeline which has served this region for well over 50+ years WITHOUT FAIL.


It would nice, in my opinion, IF we could gather up ALL the politicians who allowed this disgusting thing to happen AND the Overseas Owners of Cubbie Station, etc, and do a similar scene as is in the movie "300" where the Spartan King kicks the mongrels into a pit. But instead take the lot to Sydney Heads and boot the bastards out of OUR country for once and for ALL time.
This country and ALL its resources SHOULD belong to ALL of its people, ALL of its people SHOULD have an EQUAL say in how this country is run and governed, how its resources are allocated/used and to whom they are allocated to on an EQUAL basis.
Australia ONCE went from a Colony mentality to become a great Nation after the 2 World Wars thanks to the sacrifices made by our soldiers, sailors and airmen and women BUT complacency and apathy replaced the Pride we once had in our National Identity and now, in my opinion, it IS HIGH time for us ALL to Stand Up, be Counted, rethink our system of Government, Proclaim our Independence from under the British Thumb and the Heels of the American Pseudo-Empire and DECLARE with ONE loud and STRONG voice, " We ARE Australia, We ARE Australians."

Triphid Level 9 Oct 16, 2019

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