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Well, another lovely day has begun here in the Silver City, N.S.W., 35 degrees already at 9.00 am gusty winds from the north, expected to hit 41 degrees by mid-afternoon.
How's the weather in your areas Fellow Aussie Sceptics?
Sadly it looks like there will be let-up with the bush-fires for quite a while yet, my sympathies, etc, go out to those affected by them and my most SINCEREST Praises go to ALL the Firies and Emergency Services people helping out as well.
Stay safe people, don't give up hope.

Triphid 9 Nov 20
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Sorry peeps, a typo in the opening post, should be a NOT between there and will be.
Apologies to all.

Triphid Level 9 Nov 20, 2019

Some silly old bigger was just complaining at the Woolie's checkout that it was still 32°C at 11pm. last night. I suggested that he start worrying/complaining when it is 45°C for the 7th day in a row.!
The poor old pot plants are rapidly wilting from the drying wind! Pity that I did the laundry the other day.
Fires - all sympathy to the fire teams particularly when they are at risk because stupid people have deliberately lit fires, lit fires contrary to regulations "I only wanted a burnt snag on a bun!", built houses and buildings in stoopid places, allowed water resources to be greedily used to the detriment of everyone . . .

FrayedBear Level 9 Nov 20, 2019

Hey, for years now my 'grey water' from the laundry has gone straight into watering the lawn in the back yard, I've 'diverted' the water from the kitchen sink to water my Orange Trees and veg patches where ever possible and have even gone as far as bucketing the water from showers, which I catch in the bath btw, by plugging the bath outlet each time out onto my flower gardens and pot plants as well.
Shit, even the 'bleed off' from Evaporative Air Cooler runs directly onto a garden as well, unlike some of the dopey Twats around the country here who let it run straight down the drain and into the Sewage System.
As for those mongrels who disregard the Fire Bans, etc, and start bush fires merely because they WANT a Barbie in the Bush, well I say catch them, stack up ALL their own personally possessions AND MAKE them set the stack on fire and stand there and watch as it burns, MAYBE it MIGHT teach them a lesson or two.

@Triphid We now have pipes water throughout the Wimmera & Mallee so few bother these days with such measures unless farming under irrigation (and all the open channels have now been filled in).
I have just been concerne that my water usage is showing an increase over the last four months - yes despite getting daily readings from the radio connected water meter they couldn't keep to a regular billing schedule or even show what my monthly useage is! At least I've now learnt how to read the meter - the top line is the thousands of litres, the bottom line the hundreds, tens, units and tenth and hundredths of a litre.

I have also just realised that the Victorian unfriendly to tenant laws also result in watersaving problems - in order to put a plant in the ground you have to get landlord or agent permission or dig them out and restore the ground on tenancy cessation. Few mining companies have done that having simply left toxic sites for future generations to worry about.

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