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Afternoon everyone, please give a good old Aussie welcome to Conkers who has just joined our ranks.
welcome to our little world, Conkers, grab a seat, settle in, enjoy the trip and have fun.

Triphid 9 Dec 29
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Enjoy being online again!

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Thank you for the welcome!! I’m looking forward to engaging with like minded people in a range of issues that this site promises. I am sitting back at the moment watching the coverage on the bushfires. Extraordinary and frightening images. I’m very familiar with the far south coast region and can’t leave the TV knowing the areas currently being razed.

Conkers Level 4 Dec 30, 2019

Welcome Conkers..Does your moniker come from the game?

I forgot it was a game. Something to do with how many knuckles you could catch and balance on the back of your hands? Conkers is my nickname based on my surname.

@Conkers Well I it's better than Bonkers!

@MsDemeanour definitely.


G'day. I haven't had a good game of Conkers for 60 years!

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 29, 2019

Conkers? Conkers?What is this Conkers of which you speak?

don't worry I googled it. It is suggested that kids of today wear gloves and full facial helmet! hahahaha

@MsDemeanour the world has become full of nambie pambys.

@MsDemeanour and obsessive compulsives telling everyone else how to live.

@FrayedBear Namby Pambys.....I'm going to use that. I'll often call someone a ninny, just cos i like the word. I wonder if that wordsmith guy on ABC radio knows the origin of namby pamby.

@MsDemeanour its an old poem. Give me time & I'll find it. Here for starter:


@FrayedBear I reckon you're older than Moses FB!

@MsDemeanour No just my speciality. I enjoy performing it - the opportunity for using powerful inflection is my enjoyment.I have part of it recorded and broadcast it on air.

Namby-Pamby. A Panegyric on the New Versification, Address'd to A P, Esq.

by Henry Carey
Naughty-paughty Jack-a-Dandy,
Stole a piece of sugar candy
From the grocer's shoppy-shop,
And away did hoppy-hop.
All ye poets of the age,
All ye witlings of the stage,
Learn your jingles to reform,
Crop your numbers and conform.
Let your little verses flow
Gently, sweetly, row by row;
Let the verse the subject fit,
Little subject, little wit.
Namby-Pamby is your guide,
Albion's joy, Hibernia's pride.
Namby-Pamby Pilly-piss,
Rhimy pimed on Missy-Miss;
Tartaretta Tartaree,
From the navel to the knee;
That her father's gracy-grace
Might give him a placy-place.
He no longer writes of Mammy
Andromache and her lammy,
Hanging-panging at the breast
Of a matron most distressed.
Now the venal poet sings
Baby clouts and baby things,
Baby dolls and baby houses,
Little misses, little spouses,
Little playthings, little toys,
Little girls and little boys.
As an actor does his part,
So the nurses get by heart
Namby-Pamby's little rhymes,
Little jingle, little chimes,
To repeat to little miss,
Piddling ponds of pissy-piss;
Cacking-packing like a lady,
Or bye-bying in the crady.
Namby-Pamby ne'er will die
While the nurse sings lullaby.
Namby-Pamby's doubly mild,
Once a man, and twice a child;
To his hanging-sleeves restored,
Now he foots it like a lord;
Now he pumps his little wits,
Sh—ing writes, and writing sh—ts,
All by little tiny bits.
Now methinks I hear him say,
Boys and girls, come out to play!
Moon does shine as bright as day. . . .
Naughty Paughty Jack-a-Dandy,
Stole a Piece of Sugar Candy
From the Grocer's Shoppy-Shop,
And away did hoppy-hop.
All ye poets of the age,
All ye witlings of the stage,
Learn your jingles to reform,
Crop your numbers to conform.
Let your little verses flow
Gently, sweetly, row by row;
Let the verse the subject fit,
Little subject, little wit.
Namby-Pamby is your guide,
Albion's joy, Hibernia's pride.
Namby-Pamby, pilly-piss,
Rhimy-pimed on Missy Miss
Tartaretta Tartaree,
From the navel to the knee;
That her father's gracy-grace
Might give him a placey place.
He no longer writes of Mammy
Andromache and her lammy,
Hanging-panging at the breast
Of a matron most distressed.
Now the venal poet sings
Baby clouts and baby things,
Baby dolls and baby houses,
Little misses, little spouses,
Little playthings, little toys,
Little girls and little boys.
As an actor does his part,
So the nurses get by heart
Namby-Pamby's little rhymes,
Little jingles, little chimes,
To repeat to missy-miss,
Piddling ponds of pissy-piss;
Cracking-packing like a lady,
Or bye-bying in the crady.
Namby-Pamby's doubly mild,
Once a man, and twice a child;
To his hanging sleeves restored,
Now he foots it like a lord;
Now he pumps his little wits,
Shitting writes, and writing shits,
All by little tiny bits.
And methinks I hear him say,
Boys and girls, come out to play!
Moon does shine as bright as day.
Now my Namby-Pamby's found
Sitting on the friar's ground,
Picking silver, picking gold;
Namby-Pamby's never old.
Bally-cally, they begin,
Namby-Pamby still keeps in.
Namby-Pamby is no clown.
London Bridge is broken down:
Now he courts the gay ladee,
Dancing o'er the Lady-Lee.
Now he sings of Lick-spit Liar,
Burning in the brimstone fire;
Liar, liar! Lick-spit, Lick,
Turn about the candlestick!
Now he sings of Jacky Horner,
Sitting in the chimney corner,
Eating of a Christmas pie,
Putting in his thumb, O fie!
Putting in, O fie! his thumb,
Pulling out, O strange, a plum.
Now he plays at Stee-Staw-Stud,
Sticking apples in the mud;
When 'tis turned to Stee-Staw-Stire,
Then he sticks them in the mire,
Now he acts the grenadier,
Calling for a pot of beer.
Where's his money? He's forgot;
Get him gone, a drunken sot.
Now a cock-horse does he ride,
And anon on timber stride.
See and Saw, and Sacch'ry Down,
London is a gallant town!
Now he gathers riches in,
Thicker, faster, pin by pin;
Pins apiece to see his show,
Boys and girls flock row by row;
From their clothes the pins they take,
Risk a whipping for his sake;
From their clothes the pins they pull
To fill Namby's cushion full.
So much wit at such an age
Does a genius great presage;
Second childhood gone and past,
Should he prove a man at last,
What must second manhood be
In a child so bright as he.
Guard him, ye poetic pow'rs,
Watch his minutes, watch his hours;
Let your tuneful nine inspire him;
Let the poets, one and all,
To his genius victims fall.

@FrayedBear OH this is an utter delight! I've just been looking at the origin and 1725! Seems I wasn't far off that moses reference. I would love to hear it read. I'll see if anyone recites it on youtube.

@MsDemeanour send an email addy by message and I'll send you the best rendition : performance - mine!

Hey FB, is this you? He looks a bit like a frayed bear.

@MsDemeanour No it is not me and the delivery is not very good. The golden rule is never open your mouth without a pertinent word on your tongue. Even though he doesn't use umms and errs this guy uses all sorts of interjections to allow his brain to catch up with his tongue. He is afraid of silence and allowing the listener time to process what he has said.

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